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Insuring Cannabis

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New Insuring Cannabis Podcast: Cannabis Business Insurance Buyers Say the Darndest Things

Some of those getting into cannabis may have experience buying insurance, but considering cannabis has been legal for less than a decade, this is a whole new world for most people. We thought it would be interesting to take a look inside the cannabis insurance buying process, but through the viewpoint of those who sell insurance. It turns out that what you don't know, could really hurt you.

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More Cannabis Articles

Cannabis Broker Spotlight: Boden With Crouse Went All-in on the Budding Industry

Chris Boden's belief in cannabis goes beyond a sales pitch and the broker's acumen that he's built while talking up the industry to his retail clients. Boden has been in the insurance industry for 16 years, with a chunk of that time spent selling insurance in the cannabis space.

Recreational Pot Laws May Boost Traffic Deaths, Studies Say

Two new studies suggest laws legalizing recreational marijuana may lead to more traffic deaths. However, the new studies, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, can't prove that the traffic death increases they found were caused by marijuana use.



New Law Expands Access to Medical Marijuana in Louisiana

More residents of Louisiana will have access to medical marijuana under an expansion of the state's therapeutic cannabis program signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards. The changes in the law take effect in August, and allow doctors to recommend medical marijuana for any patient they believe it would help.



Oregon Mulls Banning Additives in Marijuana Vaping Products

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission took a step toward adopting rules that would ban non-cannabis additives from inhalable products containing THC. The commission's move to ban the additives arose from product safety concerns, Marijuana Business Daily is reporting.



Why 2021 Will Be The Year for Marijuana Legalization

Analysts pinpoint 2021 as the year cannabis prohibition ends in parts of the country. While the pandemic has focused the nation's attention elsewhere and stymied signature efforts to put measures on state ballots, next year may see a resurgence of signature-gathering and this year there's the promise of Democrats capturing Senate, the website Benzinga is reporting.