Monthly Archives: <span>June 2000</span>

Are you making the most of e-mail’

I’ve been using e-mail for almost nine years now and it’s come a long way since I was hooking into a VM100 green screen and using command lines. I would have never guessed the many different ways I would use …

Questions & Answers

Q. Our insured is renting a facility for a wedding reception. Does homeowners liability provide coverage for our insured for the rental of this facility? A. The Homeowners exclusion 1.E.(2) excludes coverage to “bodily injury or property damage arising out …

Industry’s urge to Merge Subsides in 1999; 2000 Looks the Same

Comming report find both M & A activity and public equity offerings slammed on the brakes. Last year was expected to be a boom year for merger and acquisition activity in the insurance industry. But that never happened. In fact, …

Fitzhugh & Co. Agency Sells to Former National Lloyds COO

One of Texas’ oldest insurance agencies, created by one of the founding fathers of the association now known as the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas, has been sold by the founder’s 83-year-old grandson, Champe Fitzhugh Jr. Waco-based Fitzhugh & Co. …

Lloyd’s of London Presents Strong Case

For over two months, Lloyd’s of London has been presenting evidence in the Jaffray case before Mr. Justice Cresswell in London defending itself against allegations of fraud made by over 200 “Names”. According to Lloyd’s spokesman Adrian Beeby, “our lawyers …

How Two Agents Declared Independence

With all of the attention being placed on mergers and clusters by independent insurance agencies trying to survive decreasing commissions and increasing costs, it’s easy to forget that there are still people out there trying to start new agencies from …

Agent Indemnification: How Not to Get Burned

Once in a blue moon, the Supreme Court of Texas decides a case that squarely pertains to insurance agents. On April 20, 2000, Justice Alberto Gonzales, writing for a unanimous court, decided an odd one, with potential significance. It concerned …


Plano-based Electronic Data Systems Corp. has withdrawn its offer to buy Policy Management Systems Corp. for $700 million. The announcement, which came after EDS examined the insurance software company’s confidential financial statements, opens the door for Policy Management to pursue …


The Insurance Regulatory Information Network has changed its name to the National Insurance Producer Registry to reflect the group’s accelerated effort to establish national producer licensing for the insurance industry. By using NIPR as a central clearinghouse for non-resident licensing …


The Strategic Independent Agents Alliance (SIAA), an independent insurance agency distribution network, has created a consumer web site to promote the advantages of doing business with SIAA independent agents. was introduced to the membership in March and has already …