Monthly Archives: <span>June 2000</span>

Aviation Prices Go Up, Up and Away

The motives for buying an aircraft are as varied as the uses to which the aircraft can be applied—as are, of course, the risks associated those uses. Some underwriting companies also insure an array of aviation-related entities, such as parts …

P/C Industry’s Net Income Dropsby a Third in First-Quarter 2000

The U.S. property/casualty industry’s net income after taxes dropped 35.4 percent to $5.8 billion in first-quarter 2000, down from $9 billion in first-quarter 1999, according to Insurance Services Office Inc. (ISO) and the National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII). Contributing …

Free CE Credit Courses Can Benefit Both Wholesalers & Producers

Some California wholesalers have discovered a new marketing tool: offering continuing education seminars to their producers. While many such seminars have traditionally been in rented spaces in hotels, banquet rooms and the like, a new trend is to take those …

Commercial Lines Deregulation Continuesto Gain Momentum at State Level

Chalk up 2000 as another year for making great strides in passing legislation relating to deregulation. Since 1997, 21 states have passed laws deregulating commercial lines to one degree or another. “In 2000, we had seven additional states, so we’re …

Surplus Line Association Sets Premium Record in 1999, LOOKS AHEAD IN 2000

After processing a record $1,524,697,215 in premiums during 1999, the Surplus Line Association of California (SLA) continued to post an increase in premium volume through May of 2000. The overall numbers imply that the SLA is on the right track …

Nursing Home Coverages Decline as Insurers Pull out of Market

The nursing home market, already in a state of deterioration for several years now, is becoming increasingly barren. It’s a subject that few insurers are inclined to discuss openly, but the buzz in the industry is that the legal community …


Martin Frankel, the financier that bilked several U.S. insurance companies of millions of dollars before disappearing and launching an international manhunt, has pleaded guilty to tax evasion charges in a German court. Frankel, 45, could be sentenced to as much …


SageMaker Inc., the e-business portal solutions company, introduced the launch of the first business portal designed exclusively for the insurance industry at the Insurance Accounting and Systems Association Annual Conference and Business show in Washington, D.C. The SageWave Insurance Portal …


Florida has been authorized to negotiate a nationwide settlement with American General Corp., which has admitted to charging nearly 350,000 African-American policyholders higher premiums on industrial life insurance policies. The resolution was signed at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ …


A.M. Best has lowered the financial strength rating of the Progressive Casualty Pool to A+ from A++, reflecting the group’s downturn in its operating earnings, intense price competition in its predominant personal automobile line, increased loss reserve risk and the …