Monthly Archives: <span>September 2000</span> Launches Database Messaging System went live today, hoping to integrate all of the parties necessary to a fully serviced insurance policy – the policyholder, the agency issuing the policy and the underwriter. InsureTrade will provide permanent documentation of all communications between the parties …

American Union Increases Bid for Meridian

American Union Insurance Co. has renewed its takeover bid for Meridian Insurance Group, offering $25 a share to acquire 50.1 percent of the Indianapolis property/casualty insurer. That’s an increase of $5 per share over the American Union offer rejected just …

AIG President Resigns

AIG Chairman M.R. Greenberg said, “We wish Evan the very best in his future endeavors.” The reason for Evan Greenberg’s departure was not made immediately available.

MarketScout Adds Markel Units to E-Commerce Site

MarketScout is a subsidiary of Insurance Data Systems (IDS), a Dallas-based insurance e-commerce holding company. MarketScout selects just one “Best of Class” insurance company for each of its 370 industry segments. Currently, over thirty insurance companies’ programs can be accessed …

Credit General Ceases Writing New Business

Credit General Insurance Company and Credit General Indemnity Company are no longer writing new business, effective immediately. Henry C. Sibley, vice president of underwriting, sent a letter to agents on Sept. 15 stating that: “No new business will be bound, …

GSA Report Faults State Regulators in Frankel Case

The General Accounting Office (GSA), Congress’ investigation agency, is scheduled to release a report today to a House subcommittee blaming state regulators for failing to prevent fugitive financier Martin Frankel from defrauding an estimated $200 million from insurance companies he …

S&P Affirms Lloyd’s A+ Rating

Despite expected losses from 1997 through this year, Standard & Poor’s reaffirmed the Lloyd’s insurance market’s A+ insurer financial strength rating. S&P cited Lloyd’s “very strong business position” as one of the prime factors in setting the rating. “Lloyd’s has …

News and views encompassing the world of technology

You know how I love to get e-mails from PR people telling me how I can’t live without their services, technologies or websites (yes, that was dripping sarcasm). Well, that’s what happened the other day when I received an e-mail …

Kelso Issues Cease & Desist Order to Winters Group

A Cease & Desist Order, issued by acting California Insurance Commissioner J. Clark Kelso, was served Aug. 30 on the Winters, Calif.-based Puget’s Sound Agricultural Society Ltd. (aka: Jesus Christ Administrators) by investigators for the California Department of Insurance (CDI). …

Governor Davis Signs California Agent Licensing Bill

On Sept. 5, California Governor Gray Davis signed into law AB 393, the state’s new agent licensing law. Sponsored by Assemblymember Jack Scott (D-Altadena), AB 393 requires anyone transacting insurance to meet specified minimum professional standards. The law also creates …