Monthly Archives: <span>February 2001</span>


The Alliance of American Insurers, based in Downers Grove, Ill., along with several other insurance groups, filed an amicus curiae brief on Feb. 15 with the California Court of Appeal in Basich v. Allstate Insurance Co. The Alliance argues that …

The Heart of the Matter

It was Valentine’s Day, but in Room 437 at the State Capitol, love was not in the air. We were there to hear some serious testimony about a serious issue: California workers’ comp. All the big players were there, and …

Agent Commission on Insanity is Nuts

“How’s business?” “Don’t ask.” “What’s wrong?” “You’ve heard of underwriting?” “I’m familiar with the concept.” “Well, it’s back. I’m working my rear end off trying to get business renewed. I have no time to even look for new business, not … A Portal into the World of Markets

If a man speaks in the woods, and no one hears him, is he still wrong? Well, if I were the man, then the answer would be a resounding, “Yes.” Let me start from the beginning. I receive an e-mail …

Kreidler Tells IIABW He Will Create Responsive Regulatory Body

Washington’s new Insurance Commissioner gave the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Washington something to hope for at the IIABW Legislative Day in Olympia on Jan. 31. Bill Stauffacher, IIABW lobbyist, introduced Kreidler as “a breath of fresh air,” and …

How To Sell Umbrellas to Everybody, Not Just Millionaires

Selling personal umbrellas is a nuisance, yes? Some agents say, “Forget the $15 or $20 commission; it’s the perception of value-added service to the client. It helps round accounts and keep accounts. And a lot more people probably ought to …

Court Rules Against State Fund in Schaefer Ambulance Case

Seven years after an initial lawsuit was filed, the California Supreme Court made a ruling unfavorable to the California State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) in the case of State Compensation Insurance Fund, Petitioners, v. The Superior Court of Orange County, …

Workers’ Comp Hearing: Many Questions, Few Answers

On Feb. 14, lawmakers, insurers, employers and others gathered in Sacramento to discuss the troubled state of California’s workers’ compensation market. The Assembly Insurance Committee Hearing on Workers’ Compensation was chaired by Assemblyman Thomas M. Calderon, with the goal of …

State National Specialty Enters Arizona

Arizona has awarded State National Specialty Insurance Co. a certificate of authority for writing multiple lines of insurance. This authorization allows State National Specialty to write casualty, marine and transportation, property and vehicle insurance in the state. Since its acquisition …

Plight of Quackenbush Whistle-Blower

A new measure, AB 363, was introduced by California Assemblyman Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, in an attempt to bring about reforms that would help protect government attorneys who report wrongdoing. Steinberg, who handled a great deal of the questioning during last …