Monthly Archives: <span>June 2001</span>


State Farm Indemnity announced its intention to stop writing automobile business in New Jersey, pending approval from state regulators, which could take years to complete. Last October, the company applied for a 16.8 percent jump in rates. State Farm Indemnity, …


Kingsway Financial Services Inc. will begin writing nonstandard auto insurance in California through its wholly owned subsidiary, Lincoln General Insurance Company. The company received notification of approval of its California license and is now able to expand the relationship it …

Losing Sleep Over Privacy

In the last issue, I wrote about getting a grip on GLBA. As we creep closer to the July 1 deadline, I think the subject needs some more clarification. Last week, a reader called me in a panic wondering if …

Banning Major Earthquakes-A Savvy, Market-Saving Move

Apparently, we’ve licked that quake insurance problem. Faced with the devastation (property and market) wrought by the Northridge Earthquake and the realization by insurers that the loss models they had carefully constructed were feats of clay, there was only one …

Earthquake Awareness: Not Just a California Thing Anymore

Residents in Oregon and Washington would probably be surprised to know that more than 1,000 earthquakes per year are recorded in the two states by the seismology lab at the University of Washington. The biggest reason for that surprise would …

AXA’s Bébéar, de Castries Under Formal Investigation in French Tax Probe

On June 12, French police detained and questioned AXA’s Management Board Chairman Henri de Castries and his predecessor, the company’s founder Claude Bébéar, who now presides over its Supervisory Board, about a massive tax evasion scheme involving former AXA subsidiary …

Flood Insurance Claims-Be the Calm After the Storm: Facts Every Agent and Consumer Needs to Know

After a community has experienced a flood, restoring homes and businesses can be a long and difficult process. While the cleanup process can seem overwhelming at best, a careful, orderly approach will help your insured settle their insurance claims sooner. …

Young Agents Stand at the Threshold as Industries Collide

They were young, they were hungry and they didn’t mind the heat. More than 290 young agents converged on Rancho Mirage for the 26th Annual Young Brokers and Agents Conference June 7-10. The hard work of YBA staff and the …

Jury Sends Message to Insurance Industry in Toxic Mold Case

A recent jury decision should put up red flags for insurers: Take care of toxic mold claims adequately and promptly, or risk being assessed millions of dollars. That warning came in the form of a $32-million award to a Dripping …

Insurance Journal Wows Readers with Daily E-Newsletter

Getting your message out via the Internet can make or break a business in today’s economy. One way Insurance Journal has gone about providing up-to-date news for industry professionals is through its e-newsletter. • What is the marketplace for this …