Monthly Archives: <span>August 2001</span>


The extensive over-regulation of automobile insurance rates in some states shines a spotlight on the potential benefits of a market-driven approach to oversight, Independent Insurance Agents of America (IIAA) President-Elect Thomas B. Ahart recently testified at an Oversight and Investigations …


The NAII said it is cautiously optimistic about the Senate vote to increase funding levels for implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) by $15 million beyond the Bush Administration’s original budget request. The NAII has more than …


The Nevada Division of Insurance’s 2001 Auto Body Survey shows that more of the state’s auto shops are using after-market parts in repairs than in previous years. The annual survey is based on 160 responses, representing 55 percent of licensed …


The California Court of Appeal has affirmed a ruling that a person not covered by an insurance policy cannot sue the insurer for alleged negligence for delaying payment to the person who is insured. The ruling in Adelman v. Associated …


Auto insurers believe that including credit scores as part of a driver’s overall risk profile allows them to underwrite and price policies more efficiently, accurately and consistently, according to a recent Conning & Company study. Insurers also believe that, in …

Good PR Pays for Itself

In this era of downsizing and restructuring, it’s typically the first area to be cut. The marketing and public relations department does not have a dollar sign on its door; but while work here may be less tangible, its effects …

5 Steps to Plan and Execute a Direct Marketing Campaign

There are many different ways to market your service, which include all forms of advertising, direct mail, telemarketing, referral programs, sponsorships, and logo/image development. Regardless of the methodology, repetition and persistence will always be key factors. While great commercials and …

e-Business Moving Slowly but Steadily in Wholesale Marketplace

The insurance industry is beginning to utilize technology to more efficiently conduct business, but that integration is a long, slow process, according to a panel of wholesalers and market leaders. Shand Morahan & Company Inc. recently hosted a live teleconference …

Smaller Agencies Market Blueprint for Success

Making your mark “The State Farms and GEICOs have a tremendous amount of advertising behind them, and they have a brand name that perhaps the independent agents do not have,” said Allen Lawrence, CEO and chairman of the board of …

Brand Building Strategies

Mergers, consolidation and worldwide expansion greatly affect the way the insurance industry does business today. As boundaries collapse and markets change, there is a tool you can use to gain an edge over the competition. It’s a strategy that other …