Monthly Archives: <span>September 2001</span>

NAPSLO Retrospective: A Visit With Outgoing President John Latham

John Latham will step aside as National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices (NAPSLO) president later this month making room for Tap Johnson, Jr. Before his exit, he agreed to spend a few minutes with Insurance Journal to review his …

Incoming NAPSLO President Focuses on Regulatory Issues, Technology

When John Latham steps down as president of the National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices (NAPSLO) in San Antonio later this month, Tapley O. Johnson, Jr., will take on the office as incoming president and continue moving the organization …

Are Fine Arts Floaters a Silver Lining in the Insurance Market Cloud?

Unlike many lines of insurance, the fine arts and collections market has so far managed to avoid the difficulties of a hardening environment. But is it robust enough to carry the industry through tough times? Maybe not, since the base …

2,200 Attendees Expected at NAPSLO Convention, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Historian to Keynote 27th Annu

Tapley O. Johnson, Jr., incoming president of the National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices (NAPSLO) and chairman of the annual convention, expects some 2,200 attendees at the 27th Annual Convention in San Antonio Sept. 12-16. “We were 150 ahead …

Fallout From Independent’s Collapse Continues, Regulators Questioned

What did you know, and when did you know it?” Those questions from the Watergate era are increasingly being asked of the U.K.’s Financial Services Authority, which oversees the country’s insurance industry, in the wake of the spectacular meltdown of …

Study Finds Growing Demand for Intellectual Property Coverage

The market for intellectual property (IP) insurance, traditionally a relatively small, specialized niche in the overall insurance market, is undergoing a growth spurt as policyholders recognize, and seek protection for, the value of their intangible assets; and the number of …

Chubb Survey Reveals ‘Roadshow’ Attendees Are Underinsured

Results of a survey conducted by Chubb Group of Insurance Companies reveals that many private collections of fine arts or antiques may be underinsured. When Chubb’s “Antiques Roadshow,” a popular PBS television series, rolls into town thousands of people turn …

TDI’s Montemayor Cautions Against Overreaction on Mold Issues

Texas Department of Insurance Commissioner José Montemayor is urging both insurers and consumers to avoid overreacting to issues concerning insurance coverage for mold. He said patience was needed as solutions are being developed to keep homeowners insurance available and affordable …

NAII Implores Caution, Association Input in Calif. Crash Parts Study

A new California law that requires the state to conduct a study of the best process to certify automobile crash repair parts could result in more consumer choice and savings, according to the National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII). California’s …

California Couple Arrested for Fraud Charges

A husband and wife who were charged with insurance fraud by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office in 1985 were arrested earlier this month after being fugitives for nearly 16 years. Imelda and Eduardo Rodriguez were arrested in Makati …