Monthly Archives: <span>October 2001</span>


The National Auto Agents Alliance accepted an application for affiliation from the Independent Broker Network. IBN is a 12-year-old organization headquartered in San Jose, Calif. IBN brings more than 380 California members to the NAAA, increasing its membership in California …


The American Insurance Association (AIA) urged delegates from Mexico, Canada and the U.S. meeting in Ottawa under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to adopt and enforce more rigorous cross-border trucking safety and security standards in light of the …


A California law enacted in 1999 requiring that insurance companies turn over information related to European insurance policies or face loss of their licenses has been ruled an unconstitutional violation of due process, according to the legal counsel for several …


Insurance companies are finally hitting their stride in finding practical uses for Internet technologies, according to a recent “Emerging Strategies in Insurance & Technology” survey sponsored by IVANS Inc. Executive level IT professionals at 80 insurers took part in the …


Property/casualty insurers are very likely to begin pricing “terrorist attack risk” separately from other coverages, according to a new forecast from Conning & Company. This and a reassessment of what constitutes maximum probable loss in a claim are two of …

Opening the Library Door

When I was a child, visiting the library was a thrilling experience. The tall shelves of books, the sunlight streaming in long windows onto wooden tables, and that smell of paper secrets buried between covers. The childrens’ reading room with …

6 Common Website Mistakes and How to Fix Them

In an effort to be noticed in today’s crowded online marketplace, insurance marketers make common, yet fatal, mistakes when constructing websites. While adding the bells and whistles may increase the “wow” factor, this approach contributes little, if anything, to the …

Will Reinsurance Rebound from Terrorist Strikes in the U.S.’

If the nautical term best applied to the reinsurance industry last year this time would have been “Steady as she goes,” after the catastrophe that struck the U.S. on Sept. 11, the French term “sauve qui peut” describes its present …

Time-Tested Lloyd’s Turns to Address U.S. Disaster Losses

Lloyd’s of London, the world’s oldest and most visible insurer, has set about dealing with the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. Two weeks after the event, it released its projected net loss figures. Calculations from more than …

Analysts Weigh Impact of Sept. 11 Attacks on Insurer Ratings

How would Sept. 11’s terrorist attacks impact insurers? This was the overwhelming question facing analysts at insurance rating bureaus in the U.S. following the disastrous series of events. In response, analysts downgraded ratings for some insurers, placed others under review …