Monthly Archives: <span>February 2002</span>

Element Re Publishes Weather Risk Management Guide

Element Re Capital Products Inc., a division of XL Capital specializing in weather risk management products, has announced the international publication of “Weather Risk Management: Markets, products and applications,” a comprehensive guide to the industry. Compiled by the employees and …

Swiss Re Report on Terrorism Insurance Endorses Public/Private Solution

Swiss Re has released a study entitled “Terrorism — dealing with the new spectre,” which concludes that the most promising approach to the problem of terrorism insurance is a “public/private partnership.” “The report addresses the challenges insurers face after September …

A.M. Best Downgrades MIIX Group Ratings

A.M. Best Co. has downgraded the financial strength rating of MIIX Group of Lawrenceville, New Jersey, and its two subsidiary companies, Lawrenceville Property & Casuaty Co., and MIIX Insurance Co. of NY, to B- (Fair) from A- (Excellent), following the …

Mass. Broker Indicted on Fraud Charges

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Springfield Mass. announced the indictment of David Michael Leja, an insurance broker from Williamstown Mass, on fraud charges relating to “stop-loss” coverage he brokered for seven group health insurance plans in Western Mass. Leja owns …

NYSID Issues Guidelines for Insurers on CPA Consulting Payments

Superintendent of Insurance Gregory V. Serio announced that the New York State Insurance Department has issued guidelines for the insurance industry concerning the disclosure of consulting work performed by independent certified public accountants (CPA’s), who also provide an opinion on …

Garamendi Returns $20,000 in Campaign Funds to Insurers

Politician John Garamendi recently announced that he returned $20,000 in political donations that he claimed he erroneously received from insurance concerns in two previous campaigns, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Garamendi, a current candidate for state insurance commissioner, told …

Wash. House And Senate Approve Bills Restricting Insurer Use of Credit Scores

Two measures approved over the weekend by the Washington State House and Senate restricting insurers’ use of credit scores could result in higher rates for the majority of policyholders, the American Insurance Association (AIA) reports. “Credit scores enable insurers to …

The St. Paul Cos. Names Kae Lovaas Senior VP

The St. Paul Companies announced that Kae Lovaas, 46, has been named senior vice president in charge of operations for the company’s U.S. Insurance Operations. Lovaas will report to Marita Zuraitis, executive vice president, U.S. Insurance Operations. The appointment is …

A.M. Best Downgrades Ratings for Legion Insurance Group and IPC Group

A.M. Best Co. has downgraded the “A-” financial strength rating of Legion Insurance Group to “B” with a negative outlook. In addition, the “A-” rating of the IPC Group was downgraded to “B+” with a negative outlook. The rating action …

ISO, Seisint to Provide Accurant Products to Insurers to Fight Fraud

Insurance Services Office Inc. (ISO) and Seisint, Inc. announced a licensing agreement to provide insurers’ claims and special investigation units (SIUs), and subrogation personnel access to a wide range of public records and publicly-available data for in-depth searches on individuals …