Monthly Archives: <span>February 2002</span>

EU Warns Polish Government on PZU

The European Commission in Brussels has warned the Polish Government that continued efforts to block the Eureko Consortium from acquiring a majority interest in Poland’s largest insurer Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpieczen (PZU) could have a negative impact on foreign investment in …

JLT Reports 18% Profit Rise to $120 Million

U.K.-based Jardine Lloyd Thompson, the world’s sixth largest insurance broker, reported 2001 pre tax profit of £84.3 million ($120 million), an 18 percent increase over the year 2000. JLT cited the increase in premiums since Sept. 11 and the increased …

Compromise on Executive Life Reported Near

If the reports in an article in the French daily Le Monde are correct, the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Bank Regulators and representatives from the French Bank Credit Lyonnais (CL) are near to reaching a deal over the claims against the …

PIANY Warns of Impending Perfect Storm in Insurance Market

Thomas J. Derella First VP and Legislative Chairman of the Professional Insurance Agents of New York warned that deteriorating market conditions were creating a climate that could result in a “perfect storm” affecting insurance coverage throughout the state unless corrective …

Erie Indemnity Net Income Drops in Q4, Full Year

Erie Indemnity Company fell in line with other insurers announcing decreases in its profit figures for the fourth quarter of 2001 and for the full year. The company reported that net income of $122,261,396 or $1.71 per share for the …

Pinned With Fraud Charges, Man Surrenders

Sher Singh, 47, of Rancho Cordova, Calif., surrendered to authorities Feb. 21 and was booked into the Santa Clara County Jail for alleged insurance fraud. On May 11, 1999, Singh allegedly injured his back after bending down to add support …

Idaho Committee Passes Credit-Based Score Bill

A state Senate committee recently approved a bill prohibiting insurers from charging a higher premium or deciding not to insure a person based primarily on his or her credit rating or history. In opposing SB 1408, National Association of Independent …

Aon Names Turner, President, P/C for Combined Specialty Corp.

Aon Corporation has named F. Marshall Turner, President — Property & Casualty, Combined Specialty Corporation. “We’re very happy to have Marshall join Combined Specialty Corporation as a member of our executive management team,” Dennis B. Reding, CEO of Combined Specialty …

NAIC Hosts Conference on International Issues

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) will host the International Issues Conference Feb. 28 and March 1, in Washington, D.C. The seminar is designed to explore recent developments in international insurance regulation and global insurance markets as well as …

AAIS Updates Rating Factors for Age of Homes and Utilities

The American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS) has begun filing Homeowners and Farmowners manual supplements that will provide an expanded series of premium credit and surcharge factors related to the age of a home and its utility systems. AAIS is …