Monthly Archives: <span>July 2002</span>

Using the Excess and Surplus Lines Market

In California, the retail insurance agent faces many challenges. One of those challenges is the state-imposed requirement that if they have an admitted insurance company to write their clients’ business, they must place that business with the admitted company. The …

Surplus Lines, The Industry’s Safety Valve

It is a rare occurrence today, but not so long ago tying down the safety valve was viewed as an acceptable way to improve a steam boiler’s performance when demand peaked. The objective was to increase the boiler’s output to …

Here We Go Again

Across the country, the excess and specialty insurance business is at a historic turning point. Will we repeat the catastrophic mistakes of the past? Or, can we learn from those past mistakes, and successfully fulfill our critical role as the …

WorldCom Disclosures Batter the D&O Market

WorldCom’s recent revelations of accounting irregularities that resulted in the company overstating pretax profits by nearly $4 billion in 2001 and early 2002 are yet another blow to a directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance market already suffering from scandals …

Captivating Times for Insurance in Arizona

On July 1, the Arizona Captive Insurance Act went into effect, and the Arizona Department of Insurance Captive Division began accepting applications to establish captive insurers in the state. The division formed was a result of a captive law passed …

Nev. Regulators May Look to Legislative Solution on Defect Litigation Costs

According to the Alliance of American Insurers, Nevada insurance regulators concerned about the availability of residential contractor’s liability insurance should not look to mandatory pools, but should develop a legislative solution to reduce the cost of construction defect litigation. “The …

NationWide Flood

Dallas-based NationWide Flood Research Inc. launched TruRisk, a proprietary mapping and risk assessment application that shows where properties lie in relation to special flood hazard areas. NationWide Flood Research’s clients have the option to receive TruRisk maps in either English …

Trading Floor, a portal for retailers, wholesalers, MGAs and carriers, has opened Trading Floor, where retailers and wholesalers can post single accounts and books of business to be viewed by underwriters. The Trading Floor is an open-architecture, objective search engine …

Online Real-Time

Applied Systems®, an automation solutions provider for the P/C industry, has added a text chat service called Online Real-Time to its service offerings. Online Real-Time allows customers to “chat” with a technician over the web for quick technical assistance.


Fiserv FSC Inc. introduced the newest version of CapFSC, a competitive analysis tool for insurance companies and managing general agencies. CapFSC is a Windows based product that lets insurance professionals compare their rates against the competition in a particular territory …