Monthly Archives: <span>September 2002</span>


Texas-based American National Insurance Company revised its previously reported second quarter 2002 net income from $20,983,000 to $6,075,000. The company stated that the revision resulted from a reclassification between unrealized and realized losses on securities and did not have any …

Sept. 11 – A Year Later

In this issue, we pause for a moment and try to grasp the meaning and impact of ‘9/11’ on the insurance industry. It’s difficult to find words to describe the tragedy of Sept. 11th, 2001 and it’s effect on the …

Besieged by Cyber Liability’

Web sites, online services, e-mail and software programs have created vast new industries whose clients demand that insurance coverage is in place prior to awarding contracts. Aside from creating new business opportunities, these complex technologies present new exposures to companies …

Need More Time’

Here are eight main ways for insurance professionals to save time in the hectic world today: Handle paper only once One of the biggest “time killers” is how paper is mishandled. Someone a while back came up with a system …

Exclusions Persist as Congress Debates Federal Terrorism Backstop Legislation

Nearly a year after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the issue of federal insurance backstop legislation to protect carriers against future losses stemming from more attacks remains a crucial yet unresolved issue for the insurance industry—and for more and more …

WTC Claims Dispute, $7.1 Billion at Stake

Despite recent court ordered settlement procedures, the legal dispute pitting Swiss Re and 21 other insurance companies against Silverstein Properties, the master leaseholder on the twin towers of the World Trade Center, seems destined to go to trial. The litigation …

Fraud Fighters Tackle Individuals Looking to Exploit Disaster

The events of Sept. 11, 2002 are no doubt unique, but as with all disaster, there are some that are likely to take advantage of the situation. Needless to say, insurance fraud has reared its ugly head over the last …

Life and Death Decisions, A Tale of Two Towers

As the classic television crime show used to remind us, “There are 8 million stories in the Naked City.” There were more on Sept. 11, 2001. Here are just a few, one from each of the three World Trade Center …

A Year Later, Industry Takes Stock of Itself

When the nation awoke on the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 11, little did it know that the events over the next few hours would change its lives forever. Not only were there thousands of lives lost and injured, but many …

Adjusting Our Focus

It was a beautiful fall morning. I had been running late that morning and then had gotten lost in the rolling hills of Northern New Jersey on the way to a meeting, but the cool breeze brushed away my concern …