Monthly Archives: <span>March 2003</span>

PIANJ Wins First Battle to Protect Agents’ Ownership Rights

The Professional Insurance Agents of New Jersey Inc., announced that it has “won a victory for small business owners throughout the state as the Assembly Banking and Insurance Committee unanimously released a bill, A.3319, sponsored by Assemblyman Neil M. Cohen …

Alliance Lauds W. Virginia Legislature for Action on Mass Tort Reform

The Alliance of American Insurers praised the West Virginia Legislature for its passage of SB 213, a venue reform bill that limits the ability of non-residents to bring suit in the state. “The lawmakers of West Virginia have wisely chosen …

A.M. Best Places Rating of The Underwriter Insurance Company Under Review

A.M. Best Co. announced that it “has placed the financial strength rating of A- (Excellent) of The Underwriter Insurance Company Limited (TU), United Kingdom, under review with negative implications.” “The action reflects an expected weakening of the company’s risk-adjusted capital …

Munich Re Issues 2002 Natural Catastrophe Study; L.A., S.F. are High Risk

Munich Re has issued a new survey report – “topics Natural Catastrophes 2002.” The study found that “storms and floods have an even greater impact on insurers’ claims burdens than in the year before,” and examines “how can the effects …

A.M. Best Raises Rating of AXIS Specialty Limited

A.M. Best Co. announced that it has raised the financial strength rating to A (Excellent) from A- (Excellent) of AXIS Specialty Limited (AXIS) (Bermuda) and its operating affiliates with a stable outlook. “This action reflects the company’s superior operating results …

Buffett Comment Causes Concerns on Reinsurance

When Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffett, the “Oracle of Omaha,” speaks people listen. So when he addressed his latest letter to the company’s shareholders it was quite natural that everyone paid attention. On page 9, while discussing the significant turn around …

CWCI Seminar to Look at Post AB 749 Strategies

The California Workers’ Compensation Institute (CWCI) has announced it will conduct a one-day case law seminar in May in San Francisco and Long Beach. The program will examine trends in case law in light of the recent passage of AB …

Ariz. Man Indicted on Multiple Fraud Counts in Nev.

Nevada’s Clark County Grand Jury indicted Pavel Daniel Oprea, 37, on nine felony counts of insurance fraud including three counts each of the following: false application to insurer, false claim for insurance benefits, and obtaining money by false pretenses. Oprea’s …

Nev. OB/GYN Rate Structure Changed

Nevada Insurance Commissioner Alice A. Molasky-Arman has approved new rates and rating rules for obstetricians for American Physicians Assurance Corporation (“APAC”). Molasky-Arman said, “I applaud the company for agreeing to allow obstetricians the choice of whether to be written under …

Unitrin Adds Wayne Kauth to Board

Chicago-based Unitrin Inc. has appointed Wayne Kauth, 69, as a director, thereby expanding its board from 10 to 11 directors. Kauth is a consultant to the financial services industry, specializing in life/health and property/casualty insurance. Kauth is a retired partner …