Monthly Archives: <span>March 2003</span>


The Alliance of American Insurers (AAI) said it is pleased with the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s initial set of regulations under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) of 2002. AIA associate vice president of research, Roger Kenney, said while …


Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Mike Pickens announced that Gary Atnip, an alleged co-conspirator with Martin Frankel, entered a guilty plea to a felony charge of violating the maintenance of home office records law. The plea was entered in the Seventh Division …


Proponents of the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) suffered a double setback as UCITA legislation (SB697) in Oklahoma died in the Senate Appropriations Committee and the American Bar Association (ABA) refused to take a formal position on the act …

Segal Sells Near North Brokerage; New Accusations Loom

February brought good news and bad news in the saga of Chicago-based Near North National Group owner Michael Segal. The good news: He found a buyer for his brokerage operations. The bad news: Federal prosecutors filed documents they said showed …

Insurance Still on the Table at the 78th Texas Legislature

As promised, the 78th Texas Legislature is on a roll with insurance reform, with one bill having been signed into law and many more in committees or on their way to the House and Senate floors. Among the proposed legislation …

There’s Always the Weather

People who live in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana are rarely at a loss for words. But if they’re ever in need of an exciting topic to liven up a dinner party they can talk about the weather. After all, …

Observations from the Storm

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock somewhere for the past year or two, yes, we’re in the midst of a hardening market cycle. After a prolonged soft market period, prices seem to be firming in every segment, with drastic …

Managing the Marketing and Sales Effort in the Hard Market

In a new series in Insurance Journal, we’ll have industry experts talk about the best ways to manage today’s agencies. In this article, Jack Fries speaks on managing the marketing and sales effort in the hard market. The hard market …

The Call of the Conference: Users Conferences Plugged In

Even with the dominance of the Internet, and the trend toward doing almost everything online from a remote location, something phenomenal is happening. Insurance agents are flocking to users conferences in droves—setting record attendance—and making the time for one-on-one interaction. …

Bolton & Company Grew with the Times

In a new series in Insurance Journal, we’ll profile agencies that have made a name for themselves in the industry with a special niche. In our first interview, we talk with California’s Bolton & Company. Run by brothers Jim and …