Monthly Archives: <span>June 2003</span>


Nuts & Bolts: Heartland Marketing Group Inc., a provider of standard markets to independent agents, announced a new Surplus Lines Homeowner Product for Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri. The product will allow up to two claims, allow direct quoting …

Inside the Contractors Market

If you find placing contractors insurance these days almost as daunting as building the house, condo, apartment or other facility itself, you are not alone. A restrictive market, high minimum premiums and tighter underwriting conditions are just a few ways …

Minority and Women Agents Look to Tap Emerging Markets

Insurance is about numbers, and right now the numbers are depressing when it comes to minority and women agents in the business. In spite of the tremendous growth of minority populations in the United States and the success of women …


Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher placed a Bethany insurance agency under supervision after charges surfaced that its owner may have stolen more than $100,000 from her customers in the form of hidden refunds. The Aviation Insurance Group Agency was placed …


Southwestern Insurance Information Service will host a Public Policy Forum, “The Texas Legislative Session: Beyond the Debate,” July 11, 2003 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Dallas, Texas. Panelists will include Lee Ann Alexander, assistant vice president-legislative counsel, Liberty Mutual Insurance; …


Cracking down on illegal benefits plans that have cropped up in his state, Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Mike Pickens revoked the licenses of four insurance agents who sold or were involved in the marketing of an unauthorized health plan and, in …


Louisiana Gov. Mike Foster allowed Senate Bill 721—which lets insurance companies raise or lower their automobile and property insurance rates by as much as 10 percent per year without the approval of the Louisiana Insurance Rating Commission—to become law without …

Perry Signs Reform Bill into Law

In mid-June Texas Governor Rick Perry signed into law Senate Bill 14 and House Bill 4. The first bill reforms the way home and auto insurers are regulated in the state; the second places a cap on non-economic damages in …

Leaders Bullish On Tort Reform, But Not Asbestos Cap

At S&P’s insurance conference, held annually in New York, prominent insurance leaders were bullish on the prospects for improved industry performance and for tort system reform, but not so with respect to a federal initiative to cap soaring asbestos liabilities. …

S&P: Commercial Lines Outlook Still Negative

Two years into the hardest market in decades, the insurance business is still paying the price for the “irrational exuberance” of its recent years, in the words of Robert Partridge, a managing director at Standard & Poor’s. Partridge told an …