Monthly Archives: <span>February 2004</span>


The State Corporation Commission in Richmond has approved revisions to the premium levels charged for workers’ compensation insurance in Virginia. The National Council on Compensation Insurance sought the revisions. The changes approved by the SCC will decrease the overall premium …


The panel that interprets Rhode Island’s fire code saw a flurry of requests for waivers and extensions as business owners, school superintendents, architects and town officials rushed to comply with the state’s updated fire code which went into effect on …


Massachusetts’s auto insurance agents are being told that their participation in a new cost study could determine what they will see for future commissions on their auto business. The Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents (MAIA) is stressing the need for …


As promised, Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas has introduced legislation to make changes in the state’s workers’ compensation system. The reform package, H.632, contains provisions for higher penalties for fraud, incentives for return-to-work, mandatory medical case management, shortening of the time …


The Hartford community has been encouraged by signs that it may not lose as many of its close to 6,000 jobs at Travelers Insurance as first feared when St. Paul acquires the high-profile insurer. In fact, Hartford stands to gain …

Rhode Island Close to Closing with Buyer for Pawtucket Mutual

Rhode Island officials believe they are just a few weeks away from obtaining a letter of intent from a buyer for the troubled Pawtucket Mutual Insurance Co., after almost nine months of rehabilitation efforts. “We have no intent of going …

Handling of Isabel Claims in Maryland Causes a Storm

Some Maryland victims of tropical storm Isabel are still fuming over the treatment they have received since the storm last September and the controversy has spilled over into the political arena. A former state insurance commissioner has criticized the current …

Not All See Association Health Plans As Cure for Small Business

When small business owners talk about insurance, they usually complain about health insurance costs. In his State of the Union address, President Bush gave some hope to small business owners struggling with the cost of health insurance. Bush called on …

February is a Strange Month

For all of its symmetry—four precise weeks of seven days each—it presents some remarkable anomalies. Every four years it adds a day, as it will this year. America celebrates the birthdays of its two most celebrated presidents on the 16th, …

Risk Management Solutions: Response to Cyber Threats and Cyberterrorism

As business grows ever more dependent on the Internet, the battle to keep corporate networks safe grows ever hotter and more costly. Security experts had called 2003 the worst year ever for computer viruses. It may not keep that title …