Monthly Archives: <span>April 2004</span>


The Manatee County Independent Insurance Agents Association Inc. (Bradenton, Fla.) recently hosted two partners from the Phelps Dunbar, LLP law firm (Tampa office), who made a presentation regarding Error & Omissions liability issues. Senior partner, Lawrence Ingram, Esquire, and partner …


Florida Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher recently unveiled a proposal to require financial institutions, brokerages, insurance companies and agencies to use greater care when they dispose of consumer records containing personal, financial and medical information. In the past year, the …

Spanish Train Bombings Renew Terrorist Threat

March 11, 2004 now joins Sept. 11, 2001 as dates no one now living will ever forget. The sheer horror of watching the aftermath of 10 separate explosions on the Spanish rail network in Madrid brought home the brutal ferocity …

West Virginia Gets Insurance Fraud Bureau Later This Year

Having put pen to paper, West Virginia Governor Bob Wise recently signed the state’s first insurance fraud bureau into law, ushering in a new era of stepped-up crackdowns on industry fraud. State Insurance Commissioner Jane Cline told Insurance Journal Southeast …

Agents Will Blossom in Washington

They will descend on Washington, D.C. from all corners of the country. No, not John Kerry’s supporters or those looking to oust the current President, but independent insurance agents, who will gather for the the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers …

Program Specialists Work Together For Success

We must all hang together or assuredly we will all hang separately.” So, famously, said Benjamin Franklin, as the founders gathered to sign the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Franklin’s dictum could just as easily be directed to a gathering …

Minnesota: An Inside Look at the Land of Lakes

The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2000 census estimated the Minnesota population at 4.9 million. About 88 percent of the adult residents had graduated from high school and about 27 percent had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. The capital, St. Paul, …

The Rule of 55: When Producers Become Maintainers

When the Rule of 55 was first explained to me in 1981, it didn’t have much impact. In fact, I had never heard of the rule. After all, I was 42 years old and in charge of a rapidly developing …

Is Ethics Training ‘Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing”

You may have let March slip by blissfully unaware that it was ethics awareness month in the insurance and financial services industries — the other 11 months being a free-for-all, apparently. Still, this seems an appropriate time to suggest that …


Nuts & Bolts: AIG Private Client Group announced the introduction of yacht insurance for high net-worth individuals. AIG Private Client Group’s yacht offering provides customized coverage selections, including flexible deductible options. Additional product features include the capability to provide worldwide …