Monthly Archives: <span>April 2004</span>

Maine Agents Told Markets, InsurBanc, IIABA Enjoying Spring Growth

Speakers at this year’s annual meeting of the Maine Insurance Agents Association didn’t let a sneaky spring snowfall get them down as they issued positive reports on markets, products, association business and even the agents’ own venture into banking. “It’s …

Residual Size Tied to Rating Laws:

An analysis conducted by the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) suggests there is a connection between residual auto market populations and state rating laws. The analysis found that residual market populations, also referred to as assigned risk plans, …

N.Y. Comptroller Drops Subpoena:

New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi said he has withdrawn his subpoena of a state office that had refused to submit to an audit of its books. The state insurance department has agreed to participate in the first step of …

N.Y. File-and-Use Law Upheld:

The New York State Court of Appeals has ruled that the state insurance commissioner does not have the authority to disapprove or modify rate increases or decreases on filings that are properly submitted under the state’s file-and-use statute. The decision …

N.J. Woman, 72, Sentenced in Scam:

A Philadelphia judge sentenced an elderly woman to 12 years of probation for insurance fraud in a series of claims that drew prison sentences for the defendant in two other courts. Isabel Parker, 72, of Deptford, N.J., staged slip-and-fall accidents …

N.J. Dollar Policies Selling Fast:

The number of drivers enrolled in the Dollar-a-Day auto insurance program in New Jersey has surpassed 1,500, just six months after it was launched to help uninsured drivers with limited means get affordable auto insurance, according to Insurance Commissioner Holly …

Mass. Gov. Vows Action on Auto:

Gov. Mitt Romney vowed to introduce a plan to introduce competitive rating and modify the subsidies good drivers now pay in the Massachusetts auto system. Romney said his plan would include changes to the residual market Commonwealth Auto Reinsurers (CAR) …

Maine Seeks Health Vendor:

Maine’s Dirigo’ board has voted to seek bidders interested in making its universal health coverage available. The state-private venture is considered the nation’s most far-reaching attempt at universal health care. The program is designed to make coverage available to small …

R.I. Gov. Seeks Med-Mal Caps:

Gov. Don Carcieri has proposed capping the amount of money medical malpractice victims in Rhode Island can receive for pain and suffering. The governor’s proposal would limit pain and suffering awards to $250,000, speed up the court process and lower …

R.I. Bill Seeks Commissioner Post:

Rhode Island Reps. Joanne Giannini, Arhur Handy, Charlene Lima, Peter Petrarca and Peter Wasylyk want the state to create a new executive level Department of Insurance Commissioner to replace the current insurance unit within the Department of Business Regulation. The …