Monthly Archives: <span>April 2004</span>

New Jersey Contractor Registration Includes Insurance Requirement

The New Jersey Senate has given approval to the “Contractor Registration Act,” (A-2052) providing statewide registration of home improvement contractors through the Department of Community Affairs. The law, which also would require contractors to provide proof of general liability insurance …

Maine Property Measure Goes Beyond Market Assistance Plan

Maine insurers are not thrilled that the state is on the verge of implementing a voluntary market assistance plan (MAP) to address a small number of problems in the property insurance market but they are relieved that lawmakers turned down …

Mass. Consumer Advocate D’Amato Questions Benefits of Competition

The first thing the insurance industry should know about Steve D’Amato is that although he graduated from law school, he is not a trial lawyer. He also does not sport fangs nor does he carry a pitchfork. Finally, he does …

Silent Heroes

Andy Wood, a safety consultant and trainer for workers’ compensation insurer Maine Employers Mutual Insurance Co. (MEMIC), was recently awarded the prestigious 2004 H.H. Jefferson Memorial Safety Award by the Forest Resources Association, a national organization. Wood, who has worked …

Program Business: A Little Up Front Review Will Save You Headaches Later

There has been a significant increase in retail brokers looking to program administrators for placement of their business. While this trend has increased, we still hear considerable concern from retail brokers regarding placement of their accounts in this manner. Brokers …

Mission Impossible: How to Succeed in Program Business

Many people in our industry believe program business cannot be profitable. However, if done correctly, it can serve as a fantastic way for insurance companies to write business. In the last few years, there have been many companies who failed …

Warren Buffett-A Very Special American Icon

Warren Buffet may be only the second richest man in the world (around $36 billion), but he gets almost as much attention as Bill Gates in the number one spot. His annual letter to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway has …

Now What! A Look Back at Lessons Learned from the 1990s

When we look back at the 90s in the property/casualty business, we see many events that should give us guidance in the years ahead. There are some very clear observations! • Staying power is the key competitive advantage. • Innovation …

Cincinnati Financial Affirmed

A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength ratings of the subsidiaries of Cincinnati Financial Corporation. The affirmations include “A++” (superior) for the property/casualty group of The Cincinnati Insurance Companies and “A+” (superior) for The Cincinnati Life Insurance Co., all of …

American Modern Affirmed

A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of “A+” (superior) of American Modern Insurance Group and its property/casualty affiliates. Best also affirmed the financial strength rating of “A-” (excellent) of American Modern Life Insurance Co. and Modern Life Insurance …