Monthly Archives: <span>April 2004</span>

Workers’ Comp Reform Legislation Will Bring Stability and Fairness into System, Says AIA

The American Insurance Association (AIA) today issued a statement in response to the California State Legislature’s approval of SB 899 Poochigian (D-Fresno). According to Nicole Mahrt, director of Public Affairs for AIA’s Western Region: “The American Insurance Association applauds Governor …

Montemayor Addresses Texas Physicians in Open Letter

The Texas Department of Insurance recently posted a letter to Texas physicians from Insurance Commissioner José Montemayor, responding to the decision by General Electric Medical Protective to move its medical malpractice business to its risk purchasing group. GE Medical Protective …

Montana Commissioner: Homeowner Insurance Rates Leveling Off

After three years of steep increases, homeowner insurance rates in Montana appear to have leveled off as the economic condition of the industry has improved, state Insurance Commissioner John Morrison said April 15. Insurance companies are no longer plagued by …

Brown & Brown Fined $250K; Settles Case with TDI

The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) reported that it recently imposed a $250,000 fine against a Houston insurance agency that marketed and sold workers’ compensation insurance policies in violation of state insurance rules. The disciplinary action was filed against Brown …

ACE USA Makes Available Defense Base Act Workers’ Comp Coverage for Overseas Jobs

ACE US International, a unit of ACE USA-the U.S.-based retail operating division of The ACE Group of Companies- is offering coverage for Defense Base Act (DBA) workers’ compensation exposures for prime contractors and subcontractors performing public works contracts overseas which …

Applied Systems Appoints Pardue, Villa to New Executive Positions

Applied Systems Inc. announced the appointments of Wayne Pardue to the newly created position of Chief Sales and Marketing Officer and Tony Villa to the newly created position of Executive Vice President of Product Management and Marketing. In these new …

Fla. Taxwatch Backs Gallagher, Legislative Push to Increase Availability of Homeowners Insurance

Florida TaxWatch President & CEO Dominic Calabro said today that he supports Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher and state lawmakers in their efforts to increase the availability of homeowners insurance through changes to the Florida’s Hurricane Catastrophe (Cat) Fund. The …

Calif. Legislature Passes Workers’ Comp Bill

The California state Assembly overwhelmingly passed a workers’ compensation reform measure to repair the state’s troubled workers’ comp system by a 77-03 vote, while the State Senate passed the measure by a 33-03 vote, according to Reuters. The vote marks …

S&P Enhances Criteria to Evaluate Loss Reserves of Global Reinsurers

Standard & Poor’s has recently enhanced its criteria for evaluating the loss reserves of global reinsurance groups and certain non-U.S. insurance groups writing casualty business, according to a recently published report. Loss reserving for property/casualty reinsurance and insurance groups has …

Md. Settles Suit Over Rigged Postage Stamp Auctions

Maryland Attorney General J. Joseph Curran, Jr. announced settlements with 10 defendants and four other individuals of an antitrust lawsuit that alleged that stamp dealers conspired for a period of nearly 20 years to rig bids at stamp auctions. One …