Monthly Archives: <span>April 2004</span>

Mass. Gov. Romney Vows Action on Auto Market

Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney renewed his call for reform of the state’s auto insurance system yesterday and vowed to introduce a plan to introduce competitive rating and modify the subsidies good drivers now pay. Romney said his plan would include …

Okla. Legislature to Hold Joint Hearings on Lawsuit Reform Beginning April 15

Oklahoma’s Speaker of the House, Larry Adair, and Senate President Pro Tempore Cal Hobson announced the formation of a 23-member bipartisan joint committee on lawsuit reform. The committee, which will be led by Representative Jari Askins and Senator Mike Morgan, …

SIAA Prepares for Annual Meeting in Boston

The Strategic Independent Agents Alliance (SIAA) will hold its 17th Semi-Annual Master Agency and Strategic Partner Companies and Vendors Business Meeting April 15-17 at the Marriott Copley Hotel in Boston. SIAA held its first Semi-Annual Master Agency meeting in Boston …

Maine Market Assistance Bill Close to Signing

Legislation paving the way for a voluntary market assistance plan (MAP) for homeowners insurance, which would be succeeded by a mandatory plan if the volunteer route failed, is close to becoming law in Maine. The proposed MAP would survive for …

AIG Launches ‘Sports Risk Solutions’

The AIG Companies have announced the launch of “AIG Sports Risk Solutions(SM),” described as “a comprehensive insurance program designed for youth and adult amateur athletic organizations that provide organized sporting events in the United States.” AIG said its “Sports Risk …

Zurich Introduces Medallion Agent Program

Zurich’s Small Business group announced the launch of its Medallion Agent Program, designed to recognize and reward the most profitable and productive agencies with financial incentives, increased authority and greater marketing and sales support. Zurich described the new program as …

Conference on Asbestos Scheduled in D.C.

The American Academy of Actuaries will sponsor a luncheon meeting on Wednesday, April 7 in Washington D.C. to discuss current legislation pending in Congress on asbestos. “Highlights include an update on the Academy monograph ‘Overview of Asbestos Issues and Trends.’ …

ACE USA Appoints Riegler for Business Development

ACE USA, the U.S.-based retail operations of the ACE Group of Companies, announced the appointment of Ken Riegler as Senior VP of national business development and client services for ACE Risk Management (ARM). He will have overall responsibility for sales, …

European Parliament Votes to Ban Gender Discrimination in Insurance Products

The European Parliament, the legislature for the European Union, has voted to prohibit gender discrimination in calculating premium rates for the sale of insurance products. The proposal first surfaced in May 2003, and was formally introduced last December. It drew …

Swiss Re ‘Resource Award’ for Vietnam Water Project

Swiss Re announced that it has presented its second ReSource Award for Sustainable Watershed Management, in the amount of $75,000, to a project in Vietnam. In her speech during the award ceremony at the Centre of Global Dialogue, Swiss Foreign …