Monthly Archives: <span>April 2004</span>

Public Auto

Nuts & Bolts: General agent KF&B Inc., of Glendale, Calif., announced a new public auto program. Covered are charter and sightseeing buses, limousines, tour vans, and various types of shuttle vans. Nationwide, intermediate or local radius options are available with …

Professional Liability for Homeland Security Department Contractors

Nuts & Bolts: The AIG Companies introduced SAFETY Act Homeland Protector, a new set of product and professional liability coverages designed for companies developing and selling anti-terrorism products and technologies in accordance with the Support Anti-Terrorism By Fostering Effective Technologies …

Property, Liability Cover for Overseas Operations

Nuts & Bolts: The St. Paul Companies introduced an enhanced version of Global Companion, an international commercial property and general liability product designed to help protect U.S.-based companies from the risks associated with conducting business overseas. The product provides coverage …


United States Attorney Jane J. Boyle announced that in early March 2003 a federal jury in Wichita Falls, Texas, convicted Wendell Lynn Mints, on all 25 counts of an indictment that charged him with: one count of conspiracy to submit …


Oklahoma Senate Republican leaders made a case in a news conference at the State Capitol that the Senate’s Democrat leadership is refusing to allow a committee chairman access to a landmark workers’ compensation reform bill. Meanwhile, a leading Senate Democrat …


A Mandeville, La., insurance agent was shut down and booked on charges of felony theft and insurance fraud involving misappropriation of premiums. According to the Louisiana Department of Insurance, Allen James Harrison, 44, was taken into custody by the Mandeville …

Agents Cry Foul Over Crop Insurance Premium Discounts

Independent agents are up in arms over the federal government’s decision to expand a pilot program they say threatens to cut them out of the crop insurance loop. The Risk Management Agency (RMA), the U.S. Depart-ment of Agriculture unit that …

Oklahoma House Considers Impeachment Proceedings Against Fisher

With the introduction of House Resolution 1040 by State Rep. John Trebilcock, R-Broken Arrow, and State Rep. Fred Morgan, R-Oklahoma City, the Oklahoma Legislature appears to be on the brink of launching an impeachment investigation of Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher. …

Insuring the American Dream

Food, clothing and shelter. Economically speaking, those are the bare essentials without which a human being has a tough time existing on this planet. With this edition of Insurance Journal, we focus on insurance issues in relation to the “shelter” …

Agents and Homebuyers Need the Right Clues to Make Smart Decisions

Many recent media accounts would have us believe that prior loss history reports have single-handedly caused an availability crisis and have halted the sale of existing homes. One of the most contentious issues surrounding homeowners insurance this year is insurer …