Monthly Archives: <span>April 2004</span>


The Alabama Department of Insurance has launched an updated Web site. It remains at the same address, which is The new site, designed by department webmaster Jelene Hardy, should reportedly provide more helpful information to consumers and industry representatives …


American Medical Security Group Inc. (AMS) and plaintiffs’ representatives have reportedly reached an agreement of understanding to certify and settle a class-action lawsuit, Gadson v. AMS, pending in the Circuit Court of Montgomery County, Alabama. The agreement between AMS and …


Alabama-based Vesta Insurance Group Inc. reported results for its fourth quarter and full year ended Dec. 31, 2003 that included a $118.8 million charge—$28.9 million cash and $89.9 million non-cash—to write-off recoverables associated with a reinsurance arbitration ruling, and to …

Agents Cry Foul Over Crop Insurance Premium Discounts

Independent agents are up in arms over the federal government’s decision to expand a pilot program they say threatens to cut them out of the crop insurance loop. The Risk Management Agency (RMA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture organ that …

Florida OIR Charges Ahead with Credit Score Workshop

Give the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) credit, it has been a good listener when it comes to questions and concerns on the role of credit scoring. During a rule development workshop last month in Tallahassee, the OIR listened …

Getting Technical with Agents

It isn’t the most earth-shattering news in the world; in fact you will have to work your way down our Newsbriefs section on page 10 to find the tidbits. State insurance departments in Alabama and Kentucky have upgraded their respective …

Agents and Homebuyers Need the Right Clues to Make Smart Decisions

One of the most contentious issues surrounding homeowners insurance this year is insurer use of prior loss history databases. Although spurned in the press as the “new database used to cancel policies” or the “secret insurer database,” these databases are …

Buckeye State Bucks National Trend on Medical Malpractice

The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2000 census estimated Iowa’s population at nearly 3 million. About 86 percent of the adult residents had graduated from high school and about 21 percent had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. The capital city, Des …

Underwriting a Fast-Growing Segment: The Dream Home

Whether it’s called custom, upscale, mansion or high-value, a dream home requires special handling from property insurers. High-value homes represent a growing segment of the over 81 million single-family homes in the United States and Canada. These special homes are …

Brooke: This Franchise Player is Making an Impact

Jack Cassell “was pretty happy just being a producer,” as he had been since entering the insurance business in 1979. But he saw an opportunity when the agency he was working for, Wichita, Kan.-based Manning & Smith Insurance, was acquired …