Monthly Archives: <span>April 2004</span>

Is Carrier Solvency a Worry on Everyone’s Mind’

Carrier solvency is on the tip of everyone’s tongue. It is the one issue everyone in the industry has to be concerned about. It isn’t just the staggering record losses sustained by the industry from the 9/11 tragedy but the …

Science, Technology Deal a Tough Hand in Agribusiness Market

From chicken to fish farms, orange groves to bean stocks, the agribusiness market has high-stakes for farmers, agents and insurers. Changing trends, additional exposures and advanced technology comparable to “Buck Rogers” deal the industry a tough hand. “Farmers are risk …

Barbies, Apes, Model Trains Galore; Don’t Forget Those Collectibles

Let’s say you’re sitting in a client’s living room, putting the finishing touches on a homeowners policy renewal. Everything is going as planned. That is, of course, until you see it. Perched on the mantel across the room is a …

Up for Sale: Success in Today’s Homeowners Market

States show signs of stability, but problem areas remain Despite continuing availability issues and sky-high loss ratios, the U.S. homeowners market is stabilizing as a whole. Of course, most industry observers who make that statement do so with a quick …

Eleven Good Reasons to Reassign a Commercial Lines Account

In most offices, it’s easier to get a bone from a starving dog than it is to take a commercial account from an agency producer. That’s because the current producer is always the executive on a business account until he …

The Two Faces of Automation

An interesting event happened at a recent strategic planning session with a client. Action items for each department were being discussed. What stood out was that the majority of the action items had a heavy reliance for work to be …

How Healthy is the Mass. Auto Market’

In a state where independent agents write 80 percent of private passenger auto insurance, agents are worried about attracting more capital. While thinking about this question, consider the following facts: only 19 companies write private passenger auto insurance in the …

Babe Ruth, Chesapeake Bay and Blue Crabs

The U.S. Census Bureau’s Census 2000 estimated the population of the State of Maryland at 5,296,486. Approximately 84% of the adult residents had graduated from high school and about 31% had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. The capital city, …

Federal Roads Bill Upgrades States’ Driver Safety

Kevin Jordan is a retired State Highway Patrol trooper who believes that learning how to drive means learning what to do when the brakes lock up. “Many kids don’t get anything more than the basic stuff, and the way our …

Rhode Islander Indicted by Mass.

A Rhode Island man has been indicted on charges he allegedly worked as a used car broker while claiming to be injured and collecting $160,000 in total disability benefits, according to Mass. Attorney General Tom Reilly. Thomas Fratantuono Sr., of …