Monthly Archives: <span>November 2004</span>

Citizens Vote Yes on Med-mal Caps in Nevada; No in Oregon and Wyoming

Doctors triumphed over lawyers in Nevada when citizens passed a ballot initiative that limits noneconomic damage awards in med-mal cases to $350,000 with no exceptions and limits fees for attorneys, while voters defeated similar initiatives in Oregon and Wyoming. About …

A Matter of Interpretation

I had to laugh at the e-mails I received regarding my IJ West Oct. 25 Editor’s Note. Talk about different interpretations! According to several different readers, I’m either 1) obviously a Kerry/Edwards supporter, 2) neutral on both sides, or 3) …

Hurricane Spitzer to Take London by Storm

QUOTE:This will impact every underwriter in Lloyd’s and most in London, given the distribution chain they inhabit. There’s still some sense of disbelief here in London at the moment. Hurricane Spitzer seems to have struck New York full on, but …

AIA VP Part of Team Working on Iraqi Code

David Snyder, vice president and assistant general counsel for the American Insurance Association (AIA) was part of a support team that went to Amman, Jordan, in June 2004 to assist the efforts of the group that included Arkansas Insurance Commissioner …

Competitive Storm Brewing — What Spitzer’s Lawsuit May Mean to Us All

Perhaps like you, I have been fascinated by the press coverage our industry has received lately–probably more individual stories in prominent newspapers than at any other point in the last 25 years, all thanks to the lawsuit New York Attorney …

SMART: An Opportunity to Re-Energize States

Through the State Modernization And Regulatory Transparency Act (SMART Act), Congressmen Michael Oxley, R-Ohio, and Richard Baker, R-La., have made a creative initial proposal to re-energize state insurance regulation based on principles of competition and uniformity. It is important to …

Progressive’s Black Box: Is Big Brother Good for the Industry’

Some drivers in Minnesota will soon have an added passenger in their cars: their insurance company. Progressive Insurance Company is using so-called “black box” technology to offer drivers discounts based on how much, how fast and when they drive. The …

Louisiana Joins National Fight Against Bogus Insurance Plans

As part of his state’s fight against fake insurance, Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance Robert Wooley is joining the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in launching an awareness campaign that encourages consumers to “STOP. CALL. CONFIRM.” before buying insurance. “One …

Pickens: Despite Media Images Good Things Are Happening in Iraq

In late October 2004, Insurance Journal had the opportunity to speak with Arkansas Insurance Commissioner and former president of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Mike Pickens about the time he spent in Iraq earlier this year. Pickens was in …

Turning 35: The National Alliance Looks Back … and Into the Future

Insurance education society has served more than 130,000 participants. 1969. It was the dawning of the age of Aquarius, it was one giant leap for mankind, it was the Summer of Love, it was Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida, baby. And, it was the …