Monthly Archives: <span>March 2005</span>


Medical specialty groups, hospitals, insurers and chambers of commerce have joined the Rhode Island Medical Society in a coalition to push for reform of medical malpractice laws. The Patients First Coalition has about 60 members. The legislation they support would …


Rhode Island Workers’ Compensation Court Judge Bruce Q. Morin has ordered the owners of the West Warwick nightclub The Station to pay lost wages and funeral expenses to the families of four employees who were among the 100 who died …


An insurance broker says Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal owes him an apology for singling him out in an investigation into commission fees paid by Cigna Corp. Carl S. Feen, a New Haven broker, said he wants an apology from …


Horace Mann Educators Corp. did not violate any law or regulation in 2001 when, as part of its plan to exit the Massachusetts auto insurance market, it transferred its best exclusive representative producers and their auto insurance accounts to Commerce …


The Workers’ Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau of Massachusetts has recommended to the state Division of Insurance that average rates for workers’ compensation insurance be increased by 1.0 percent effective Sept. 1, 2005. The WCRIB’s proposed 1.0 percent increase in …

Spitzer’s Complaint Outlines Aon’s Personal Lines Deals with Insurers

The recent $190 million settlement between the world’s second largest insurance broker, Aon, and officials in three states sheds light on how, as New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and other public officials warned, their insurance investigations are not confined …

Lawmakers Endorse New Nursing Home Ergonomic Guidelines

State lawmakers involved in insurance issues have endorsed proposed federal rules designed to reduce workers’ compensation claims and employee injuries in nursing homes. A resolution supporting ergonomics guidelines for nursing homes and encouraging such facilities to use alternative mechanical lifting …

Conn. Finds Aggressive Drivers U-Turn into Trouble After Retraining

Connecticut officials are alarmed at the high recidivism rate of aggressive drivers forced to attend traffic offender school. Nearly 42 percent of the 77,000 motorists who attended driver retraining between 2001 and 2003 were sent back to the program after …

CPCU Society Looking into IMSA Standards Model for P/C Industry

Should P/C Industry Response to Ethical Lapses Include a Self-Regulatory Body? The property casualty industry’s leading educational society is weighing what role to play in helping the industry restore its image after months of charges about bid rigging and contingent …

Pennsylvania Keeps Its Workers’ Compensation Costs Under Control

Costs per workers’ compensation claim in Pennsylvania rose 6 percent between 2001 and 2002, according to a new report by the Cambridge, Mass.-based Workers Compensation Research Institute. This contrasts with more rapid annual growth of 9 percent to 10 percent …