Monthly Archives: <span>March 2005</span>

Survey: Nearly One-Third of Second Medical Opinions Result in Different Treatments

More than a quarter (29%) of U.S. adults report that they or a member of their family received a second medical opinion from a doctor in the past five years. In the majority of cases, this second opinion either confirmed …

Argonaut Group Announces Changes to its Board

San Antonio-based Argonaut Group Inc. reported that Dr. George A. Roberts, 86, notified the company that he will not stand for reelection to the Argonaut Group Inc. Board of Directors at the company’s annual meeting of stockholders on May 10, …

NCCI Rates Okla. Workers’ Comp Plans

A national insurance consulting firm said a Republican-backed workers’ compensation reform plan for Oklahoma would reduce costs by up to $100 million more than a competing plan supported by Democratic Gov. Brad Henry, the Associated Press reported. A spokesman for …

La. Man Admits Arson Conspiracy, Will Testify in Courthouse Fire Case

A Gretna, La., man has admitted plotting to have his hunting camp in Mississippi burned for insurance money, and agreed to testify against two men accused of torching the Plaquemines Parish Courthouse to destroy evidence, according to the Associated Press. …

Primary Group Buys New Age Program Administrator

Primary Group Incorporated (PGI), the U.S. holding company of Bermuda-based insurance distributer Primary Group Limited, has acquired New Age Brokerage, LLC. The transaction, which closed March 17, 2005, involves the purchase of 51 percent of the company with an option …

GOP in N.Y. Tries to Paint Spitzer as ‘Job Killer’

Eliot Spitzer’s “reckless efforts to land himself on the front page” with high-profile investigations of America’s financial institutions are “making it harder to do business and create jobs in New York,” according to state GOP Chairman Stephen Minarik. The line …

Experts Question Safety of Boston’s Big Dig

The Big Dig’s top manager said that a top consultant was fired from the project over a possible conflict of interest, contradicting the man’s claim that he resigned because he was stonewalled and can’t vouch for the safety of the …

Commissioner Bell to Chair Ala. ‘Insurance Hurricane Issues Task Force’

Alabama Insurance Commissioner Walter A. Bell has been named to chair a 20-member “Insurance Hurricane Issues Task Force” formed by Gov. Bob Riley to study hurricane insurance issues in coastal Alabama. Members of the panel include business leaders, insurers and …

Victims Ask for Help at Town Hall Meetings; Gallagher to Propose ‘Standard’ Policies

Tom Gallagher, Florida’s CEO and House Insurance Committee Chair Rep. Dennis A. Ross, R-Lakeland, listened intently to an array of hurricane-related complaints – from families with nowhere to live to homeowners with $500 swimming pool repairs — at the March …

BBC Profiles Willis’ CEO Plumeri

The insurance industry is not particularly well known for its flamboyant personalities. So, when one does emerge, they make news. It’s not too surprising therefore to find Willis’ CEO Joe Plumeri as the subject of an in depth profile on …