Monthly Archives: <span>May 2005</span>

Accident Victim’s Attorney Asks Court to Limit Access to Medical Records

A lawyer for a woman suing over injuries from a 2001 car accident asked the Colorado Supreme Court to limit the other side’s access to her medical records, saying insurance companies have abused such information and need to be reined …

Med-Mal in Washington – When Carriers and the Regulatory Body Cooperate

The medical malpractice market in Washington state has improved immensely in recent times, but the debate about tort reform is just getting started. Competing initiatives will be in front of voters this fall with the trial lawyers on one side …

State Laws Vary on Driving Distractions

New Hampshire is the only state that doesn’t require adult motorists to wear seat belts, but it does ticket drivers for eating, drinking, talking on a cell phone or fussing with their makeup while behind the wheel. The state whose …

ACT! Now to Improve Sales – Contact Management for the Modern Agent

During the summer of 2004, ISU Curry Insurance, a commercial insurance brokerage, was looking for a way to keep track of its 6,000 contacts. The answer came with the introduction to an Act! consultant who unleashed the power from within …

Study: Few Americans Maintain Healthy Lifestyle

A study by a Michigan State University epidemiologist finds that very few Americans are doing all they can to maintain a healthy life, a situation he said could have dire consequences if it doesn’t change. The research of Mathew Reeves, …

Tougher Laws Key to Fight Against Insurance Fraud

How do you convince overworked state prosecutors to chase down often stale-sounding insurance swindles when their case files already are bulging with high-profile crimes such as drugs, robbery and murder? Insurance-fraud laws are great motivators: State prosecutors can convict con …

[Basic Premium + (Incurred Losses * Loss Conversion Factors) ] * Tax Multiplier

Retro Premium = Basic Premium includes insurer acquisition costs, insurer operating expenses and an allowance for profit for the insurer. Loss Conversion Factor is a claims handling fee included for the administrative cost the carrier assumes when handling the claims. …

[Basic Premium + (Incurred Losses * Loss Conversion Factors) ] * Tax Multiplier

Retro Premium = Basic Premium includes insurer acquisition costs, insurer operating expenses and an allowance for profit for the insurer. Loss Conversion Factor is a claims handling fee included for the administrative cost the carrier assumes when handling the claims. …

Former California State Fund President Webb Passes Away

Former State Fund President Jack Webb, one of the most influential and colorful figures in the 91-year history of California’s workers’ compensation insurance system, died May 2, 2005. Webb had been undergoing treatment for lung cancer. A Petaluma, California resident, …

Workers’ Comp: An Introductory View into Loss Sensitive Plans

At a time in the California workers’ compensation marketplace where insureds are desperately seeking rate relief, many have begun to seriously evaluate alternatives to the traditional guaranteed cost plans they have been offered in past years. Loss sensitive rating plans …