Monthly Archives: <span>May 2005</span>

Nearly Half of Large, Mid-sized Businesses Purchased Terrorism Insurance in 2004 Nearly half of large and mid-sized U.S. businesses obtained insurance to cover property terrorism risks during 2004, a dramatic increase from the 2003 average of 27 percent. Meanwhile, the …

Nearly Half of Large, Mid-sized Businesses Purchased Terrorism Insurance in 2004 Nearly half of large and mid-sized U.S. businesses obtained insurance to cover property terrorism risks during 2004, a dramatic increase from the 2003 average of 27 percent. Meanwhile, the …

Hawaii Faces Doctor Shortage Due to Rising Med-Mal Premiums

Hawaii faces doctor shortages in at least two fields, obstetrics and orthopedics, because fears of lawsuits and the rising cost of medical malpractice insurance premiums are forcing some to quit. Premiums for physicians who specialize in obstetrics-gynecology are high because …

Alaska Workers’ Compensation Bill Goes into Overtime

An Alaska committee of House and Senate members was unable to hammer out a compromise plan to revise workers’ compensation laws, leaving work on the bill to be completed during a special session scheduled to take place May 11. Senators …

PCI: States Need to Take Uniform Approach on Finite Risk Inquiries, Rules

As an increasing number of state regulators conduct inquiries and tighten accounting rules and reporting requirements for finite reinsurance transactions, one P/C trade group is urging regulators to take a consistent approach and avoid creating a crazy-quilt of confusing investigative …

Educator Sees Communication as Key to Successful Family-Owned Business

Over time, as the family grows in size, member interests, goals and values become increasingly different,” Craig E. Aronoff, Ph.D. told an audience of family-owned and operated agencies during two presentations on “The Family Challenge” and “Ownership and Fin-ancial Challenges,” …

Recruiting Doctors to Nevada Remains Difficult Due to Medical Costs

While liability premiums have stabilized, recruiting doctors to Nevada remains difficult because of six-figure annual medical insurance costs, board members of a doctor-owned insurance company told lawmakers recently. “Three years ago, we had no plans ever to be in the …

Garamendi Accuses Insurance Industry of Racial Discrimination

Two associations have responded to Commissioner John Garamendi’s recent accusations that the insurance industry’s rating practices are “blatantly discriminatory” and based on ethnicity. Garamendi’s comments recently appeared in an April 20 article in the Contra Costa Times. Representatives of the …

Fire Season Arrives – Are Flash Floods Next?

The Pacific Northwest is coming out of one of its driest winters on record, and emergency responders are bracing for an early and possibly severe wildfire season. But even in the midst of a drought, spring rains and thunderstorms can …

Editor’s Note: News & Networking

Summer is upon us, and in the insurance world, that means its prime time for meetings and conventions. Attending meetings and conventions is a great way for insurance professionals to get together, network with peers, gain industry insight and knowledge, …