Monthly Archives: <span>May 2005</span>

Keeping Retention Rates High in a Softening Market

The success or failure of any organization can be traced to customer retention. Agents and carriers who retain the most customers have greater long-term success and profitability than those who consistently lose clients. While many elements help keep retention rates …

R.I. Senate Backs Minimum Liability for Inspection Stations

Cars passing muster at any of Rhode Island’s recognized vehicle inspection stations should not come out of the testing facility in worse condition than when they went in, according to Sen. Daniel Da Ponte (D-Dist. 14, East Providence, Providence, Pawtucket). …

By Walter B. Sherman

Is it Time to Sell the Agency? Three Factors to Help You Decide …. Many owners have at one time or another thought about selling their insurance agency or brokerage. Many were tempted but never quite took the plunge. Those …

Experts Forecast Above-Normal Hurricane Activity Again This Season

The East and Gulf coasts can expect another hurricane season that’s worse than average, according to the head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The Atlantic will have 12 to 15 tropical storms, seven to nine of them becoming …

A Talk with New York Superintendent of Insurance Howard Mills

Pataki’s appointee brings Albany background to Spitzer-era regulatory challenges I think I’m a pretty quick study,” Howard Mills told Insurance Journal. He’s not had much choice. The former Republican Assemblyman from New York’s Orange County was nominated by Gov. George …

News Briefs

MASSACHUSETTS Safe Driver Plan Revised: Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner Julie M. Bowler has approved changes in the way drivers receive discounts and surcharges to their auto insurance policies based on their driving history. The revised Safe Driver Insurance Plan will provide …


Atlanta-based NBIS appointed Joseph Savarese as senior vice president of underwriting. He will focus on the company’s eastern and western U.S. presence, working to establish a network of insurance agents and brokers in the contractors’ insurance market. Savarese began his …

FBI Targets Insurance in Probe of Carrier, Agent and PEO Practices

The insurance industry, already under scrutiny in some segments by state and federal authorities for various compensation, reinsurance, bid-rigging and accounting practices, now faces another questioner. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has signaled its interest in potential corporate fraud both …

Old Rhode Island’s New Pawtucket: Big Plans to Stay Small

Investors Plan Small, Focused Writer of Homes, Including on Coasts, in Mass., R.I., N.Y. The investors in line to revitalize the 157-year old Pawtucket Mutual Insurance and its subsidiary Narragansett Bay Insurance companies plan to rebuild the firms by staying …

Editor’s Note:

If Insurance Journal readers have one consistent request it is for more information about available markets. No matter their agency size, location, history, politics or niche, readers like knowing about new opportunities for their own businesses, as well as about …