Monthly Archives: <span>May 2005</span>

AIA Commends Senators’ Sponsorship of Federal Teen Driver Licensing Bill

The American Insurance Association commended Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Connecticut) and Sen. John Warner (R-Virginia) for their sponsorship of S. 795, the National Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) Incentive Grant Program. A GDL system phases young beginners into full driving privileges as …

Crisis in Medical Professional Liability Diminished, PLUS Panelists Say

States with meaningful tort reform are seeing stabilization in the medical professional liability arena from three years ago. Despite the decrease in claims frequency, however, severity persists and insurers must maintain adequate pricing and reserves going forward, panelists told the …

Workers’ Comp: An Introductory View into Loss Sensitive Plans

By Jeremiah Howard and Robert Young At a time in the California workers’ compensation marketplace where insureds are desperately seeking rate relief, many have begun to seriously evaluate alternatives to the traditional guaranteed cost plans they have been offered in …

Sarbanes Oxley Drives Up Large Companies’ Audit Costs by $1.4 Billion

Fortune 1000 companies’ auditing costs have increased by $1.4 billion collectively so far, and much of this increase is in response to the corporate governance act known as Sarbanes-Oxley, according to University of Nebraska at Omaha researchers. The insurance industry …

PEMCO’s Northwest Insurance Poll Notes Trends in Cell Phone Usage

According to PEMCO’s 2005 Northwest Insurance Poll, four out of five Washington drivers believe that talking on cell phones while driving should be legal only with hands-free devices, or made illegal altogether, but changes to state law won’t likely happen …

Life Settlements — Understanding the Risks and the Benefits

What is a life settlement? Simply put, a life settlement is the sale of an unwanted, no longer effective life insurance policy. It may potentially be a better solution with a greater cash settlement than lapsing or surrendering a policy. …

How a Multi-line Approach Can Strengthen Your Business

Most everything I know about growing my book of business I learned from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles. My lessons learned do not come from the beautiful and historic works of art, rather, my lessons learned are …

Get with the Programs

If Insurance Journal readers have one consistent request it is for more information about available markets. No matter their agency size, history, politics or niche, readers like knowing about new opportunities for their own businesses, as well as about what …

TRCC: Third-Party Warranty Providers Must Register

Third-party warranty companies that provide services for Texas homeowners on behalf of builders/remodelers must now register with the Texas Residential Construction Commission. The companies must adopt the commission’s required warranties and building and performance standards. In in order to register, …

TWCC Fines Carriers After Audits

The Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission completed audits of several insurance carriers for compliance with preauthorization processing requirements and for performance on retrospective review of medical bills for preauthorized services for injured workers. Penalties totaling $399,090 were issued to seven carriers …