Monthly Archives: <span>December 2005</span>

Eurpoean Collector, Insurer Addresses ‘Art Basil’ in Miami Beach

The trials and tribulations of maintaining and insuring a well-known corporate art collection, from bombings by the IRA, to being stolen by builders and damaged when cleaners sprayed paintings with window cleaner, were described by Charles Dupplin, head of Hiscox …

Opportunity Knocks

As 2005 draws to a close it marks the end of the second tumultuous year for the industry. After the multiple hurricanes of 2004, everyone was hoping 2005 would be calmer, but we ended up having an even more catastrophic …

Independent Agents Feel Hurricane Katrina’s Full Force

Residents in many areas of the Gulf Coast watched their lives change forever on Aug. 29, 2005. When all was said and done, Hurricane Katrina went in the record books as the country’s worst natural disaster, leaving a large swath …

Insurers Urged to Assess Climate Change Risks

State treasurers and controllers from around the country are urging major insurance companies to analyze and disclose their financial risk from climate change, warning that higher rates and loss of coverage are inevitable. The officials, who oversee more than $800 …

Historic Hurricane Year Puts the Spotlight on Federal Flood Insurance

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita affected the Gulf Coast as some of the strongest storms to hit the United States during the last 100 years, causing widespread devastation and flooding. In mid-January the country saw more than $150 million in damages …

Turn Routine Office Documents into Moneymaking Tools

Before you get too comfortable, take a second. Slide out of your office chair and look around the agency at the many printed forms that you use each day. Nearly every one can serve a need beyond its original intended …

Tomorrow’s Insurance Products Are Being Developed Today

Hurricanes, Capital, Agents and Technology Feed the Product Process Looking for a new market? Most people in the industry are, including those who get paid to come up with new insurance products. According to these product idea experts, what ends …

Alternative Products Changing P/C Landscape

“Convergence products,” or alternative insurance products such as catastrophe bonds and finite reinsurance products, will play a critical part in the competitive landscape of the P/C industry in coming years, said Clint Harris, vice president of research and publication at …

National Newsbriefs

House Passes Terrorism Insurance Bill: Legislation that will extend the 2002 Terrorism Risk Insurance Act for an additional two years passed the House of Representatives floor by a vote of 371 to 49. The Senate already approved its version of …

Lloyd’s Hurricane Losses Top $ 5 Billion

In an updated statement, Lloyd’s acknowledged that it now estimates the London market’s combined losses from the three hurricanes that struck the U.S. will exceed $5 billion. The new figures are based on the results gathered from a “Major Loss …