Monthly Archives: <span>January 2006</span>

Building up construction insurance, block by block

Agent Dave Sinclair remembers his first construction account well since it was only about six years ago. It was a plumber contract with a premium of about $70,000. Today Sinclair’s Wallingford, Conn.-based agency writes about $25 million in construction related …

Risk management strategies before, during and after construction

The construction-defect wave of the past decade has demonstrated that a comprehensive litigation risk management program must address a project’s needs at pre-construction, during construction and at post-construction and involve multiple facets of the developer’s organization. This article will address …

Table-top TVs, Web access and other trends

The National Restaurant Association forecasts the following trends: Restaurants as homes away from home. With growing demand from plugged-in Americans accustomed to operating in a 24/7 society, look for restaurants to bring televisions and wirelesss Internet access to the table. …

Constructive advice

Producers in construction offer advice for producers breaking in “Affiliate with another agency that knows the industry and has the right markets. There are a limited number of markets out there for contractors and they vary in whether they want …

Brokers continue to gain; M&A activity remains steady

Stock Prices: Insurance brokers continued to experience gains in their stock prices in October and November. The median increase was 6 percent compared to a 10 percent increase for the August and September period. With the exception of Willis, all …

Sizing Up The Construction Market

The list of insurers is hsorter and restrictions longer When he is presented with a construction account at his office on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, Rubin Alspector can quickly determine which insurers might write it. He knows his standard markets …

Artisan contractors run for liability cover

Artisan contractors are being squeezed in the insurance market as general contractors and insurers do what they can to transfer and limit their exposures, especially in so-called “pain” states. Artisans are contractors in roofing, farming, air conditioning, electrical, plumbing, framing, …

Restaurant sales to top $500 billion in 2006

Restaurant industry sales are expected to reach a record $511 billion in 2006, the first time sales will cross the half-trillion dollar mark. According to the National Restaurant Association’s 2006 Restaurant Industry Forecast, the projected annual sales would mean a …

Roundabouts turning intersections into circular drives

Backed up at an intersection? Wary of those tough left-hand turns against oncoming traffic? A new roundabout might solve your traffic headache. Roundabouts, or modern traffic circles, have grown in acceptance in recent years, cropping up across the country as …


The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies based in Indianapolis, Ind., will support a legislative study on auto theft in Arizona when the bill is heard in the state’s legislature. A proposed bill has been pre-filed for possible consideration. SB …