Monthly Archives: <span>January 2006</span>

By Don Neff

The construction-defect wave of the past decade has demonstrated that a comprehensive litigation risk management program must address a project’s needs at pre-construction, during construction and at post-construction and involve multiple facets of the developer’s organization. This article will address …

Study: carpal tunnel not caused by computer use

A new report from Harvard Medical School refutes the common assumption that computer use causes carpal tunnel syndrome. Instead, says this report edited by Harvard-based hand experts, carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by the compression of the median nerve in …

New federal terrorism reinsurance differs from original in key

Right before going home for the holidays, Congress reconciled different House and Senate versions and approved an extension of the federal terrorism reinsurance program in the form of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision Act of 2005. This extension of the …

Restaurants put risk management on the menu

The restaurant marketplace is becoming more complex than ever with food safety, marketing dominance by the chains and globalization on the minds of owners. Also, frivolous lawsuits against restaurants abound, so it behooves restaurant owners to take notice of the …

Brokers continue to gain; M&A activity remains steady

Stock Prices: Insurance brokers continued to experience gains in their stock prices in October and November. The median increase was 6 percent compared to a 10 percent increase for the August and September period. With the exception of Willis, all …

Are bloggers journalists? Inquiring journalists want to know. Media risk managers are closely watching the discussions recently begun in Congress associated with the proposed federal shield law, the Free Flow of Information Act (FFIA). Central to that debate is whether …

Drivers living near restaurants pose higher risks than church neighbors

Why people who live close to restaurant are more likely to pay more for auto insurance. Drivers who live within a mile of a church are far less likely to have a car accident than drivers who live more than …

Frozen pipes cause billions in damage, but can be prevented

An average of a quarter of a million American families have one or more rooms in their homes ruined and their lives disrupted each winter by water pipes freezing and breaking, according to State Farm Fire and Casualty Co. According …

Beyond the Call

How to deliver what your customers want. I recently had the daunting experience of calling my cellular telephone provider to upgrade my phone service. Trying to choose the right option from the company’s lengthy, and at times, baffling touch tone …

Hurricane contractors: Working without a safety net

For the cleanup of New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina to progress, contractors engaged in this important work must be adequately protected from long-term and uncertain liabilities. As insurance brokers, we work with our clients across all industries, …