Monthly Archives: <span>January 2006</span>

Pilot error a factor in Midway Airport crash

After deciding it was safe to land in a snowstorm, the pilots of Southwest Airlines Flight 1248 overran the zone where the plane needed to touch down, losing hundreds of feet of runway that would have helped stop the jet …

Settlement proposed in class action against ChoicePoint

Insurance agents and agencies who provided personal information regarding potential or actual insureds to ChoicePoint Services Inc. between Jan. 1 1997, and Aug. 9, 2005, may be entitled to money and benefits as a result of a proposed settlement in …

Illinois governor pushes plan to help uninsured kids

After signing a state law offering low-cost medical coverage for most uninsured children in Illinois, Gov. Rod Blagojevich flew to Washington to push for broader health insurance coverage for children around the nation. Blagojevich briefed fellow Democratic governors at a …

Despite concerns, new study shows no shift in Midwest faults

The earth under the New Madrid Seismic Zone either isn’t shifting or is barely shifting at all, say three independent university analyses of a global positioning system stations stuck in the ground and monitored for a decade. The St. Louis …

Hurricane contractors: Working without a safety net

For the clean up of New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina to progress, contractors engaged in this important work must be adequately protected from long-term and uncertain liabilities. As insurance brokers, we at Willis work with our clients …

Editor’s Note

Making those New Year’s resolutions … We all know that the New Year provides a great opportunity to commit to making a list of positive changes in our lives. Is it possible that judges in state court jurisdictions can make …

Jordan B. Lotsoff recently joined Integro as principal in the Casualty Practice Group in the Chicago office. Lotsoff, with more than 15 years experience in commercial insurance, will be responsible for complex casualty risks, with emphasis on products and premises …

Roundabouts turning intersections into circular drives

Backed up at an intersection? Wary of those tough left-hand turns against oncoming traffic? A new roundabout might solve your traffic headache. Roundabouts, or modern traffic circles, have grown in acceptance in recent years, cropping up across the country as …

Insurers to support legislative study on auto theft

The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies based in Indianapolis, Ind., will support a legislative study on auto theft in Arizona when the bill is heard in the state’s legislature. A proposed bill has been pre-filed for possible consideration. SB …

Former insurance mogul’s firm fined $1.4 million

The brokerage firm from which a former insurance mogul siphoned millions of dollars was ordered in December by a federal judge to pay a fine of $1.4 million, reported the Associated Press. The politically connected Michael “Mickey” Segal was sentenced …