Monthly Archives: <span>January 2006</span>

S.C. Attorney General’s Investigators Launch Insurance Fraud Crackdown

South Carolinians are seeing a larger portion of their paychecks go to rising insurance costs, according to Trey Walker, a spokesman for the Attorney General’s Office, where the budget has been boosted to chase offenders. Walker said fraud could involve …

S. Fla. Homeowners Warned ‘Be Wary’ of Hurricane Repair Contractors

Consumer advocates are warning South Florida homeowners to be wary of contractors who take deposits up front for hurricane repairs or shutter installations. For example, officials said a company called Palms West Shutter and Screen had taken about $1.5 million …

Fla. Property Insurance Reforms Described by CFO Gallagher

Solutions to strengthen Florida’s property insurance market were described by CFO Tom Gallagher during an address to the Windermere Rotary Club in Orlando, Fla. Last year, in the wake of two unprecedented hurricane seasons, Gallagher proposed a comprehensive insurance reform …

Farmers Insurance Group Fined $1 Million in Settlement

Farmers Insurance Group has been fined $1 million following settlement negotiations about how the company handled consumer claims. Farmers, consisting of Farmers Insurance Exchange, Fire Insurance Exchange, Mid-Century Insurance Co., and Truck Insurance Exchange, agreed to the settlement to resolve …

Benefits of multiline integration with one carrier

According to the Wausau Multiline Productivity Poll, 70 percent of respondents reported their company has integrated lines of insurance with one commercial insurance carrier, which was significantly lower than the number (89 percent) who said the same in 2004. Of …

IRC: Insurance Fraud, Buildup Add Some $400M to Calif. Auto Injury

A recent Insurance Research Council (IRC) study of auto injury insurance claims puts a hefty price tag on the cost of claim abuse in California. In 2002, between $319 million and $432 million in bodily injury liability (BI) payments in …


The Arizona Department of Insurance has changed its phone numbers. The new main switchboard number is (602) 364-3100. The Producer Licensing Section number is (602) 364-4457. The Property & Casualty Division can be reached at (602) 364-3453. For a complete …


GEICO began reducing auto insurance rates for new policyholders in Colorado on Jan. 5. The company also said it would be reducing rates for existing policyholders beginning Feb. 20. According to the company, Colorado’s average rate decrease is 7.1 percent …

Keeping up with increasing liability as clients expand

Property/casualty insurance agents and brokers are being exposed to more lawsuits as they move into unfamiliar products, states and technologies, and as their own clients do the same. In the eyes of customers and juries, agents and brokers are experts …

Significant rains has Californians sopping wet

Just like traffic, higher gasoline prices and high housing costs, Californians have come to expect certain things living in the Golden State. Most recently, it has been the rainy season, which many insurance agents and claims adjusters know like clockwork. …