Monthly Archives: <span>January 2006</span>

Commercial lines carriers continue to impress; M&A activity up slightly

Stock Prices: Commercial lines stocks advanced for the second consecutive two-month period, up 5 percent for November/December, compared to a 7 percent increase in September/October. Companies continue to impress despite increased competition and catastrophe losses. With the exception of St. …

Personal lines looking fine, thanks to fewer accidents and price changes

The year 2005 is looking like it was a relatively good one with solid financial news for property casualty insurers overall, despite record catastrophe losses, and 2006 could bring even better news, according to analysts at a recent New York …

Enhanced IJ Broadcasting enlivens insurance news

Insurance Journal has launched IJ Broadcasting, an enhanced section on its Web site for multimedia content that will include video and audio interviews, current news and features, educational workshops and other industry-related information. IJ Broadcasting is also making online video …

A seriously shaken reinsurance industry rebuilds

Although Katrina is long gone, the clouds of misfortune she and her sisters generated will linger for decades. They radiate well beyond Louisiana, Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama and other regions into the heart of the reinsurance industry, which has been …

2006 looking good already for P/C industry

‘The expectation for a third consecutive underwriting profit in 2006 is, of course, predicated on the belief that catastrophe activity will return to more “normal” levels. Record catastrophe losses will weigh heavily on 2005’s underwriting results, according to the Insurance …

Case Law Watch

Auto liability Allstate Insurance Company v. Reid (1st Cir. Nov. 30, 2005) Ruling: Coverage Not Available for Damage to Boat Towed by Insured. Defendant and his friend, May, were returning from a fishing trip. Defendant was towing May’s boat and …

Illinois courts should be for Illinois cases, not a tourism attraction

When people in other states think of Illinois, many things come to mind to epitomize some aspect of the state; for example, some people conjure up images of Abraham Lincoln, while others think of the World Champion Chicago White Sox, …

Producers’ own liability grows as they and their clients expand

There is increased pressure to be an answer or expert to the evolving risks that change with companies as they grow and become diverse,” notes Mark Ruggles of Calsurance. Ruggles moderated a panel on the subject of the evolving role …

Heat treatment method offers options for relief efforts in coastal region

For insurers facing extraordinary exposure from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, unmatched losses beyond any other natural disasters in U.S. history, the bad news continues. Serious mold contamination is now threatening water-damaged homes and commercial properties throughout the region. With losses …

Seven tips for successful insurance process outsourcing

Outsourcing often receives a bad rap, with large corporations using it to reduce staff count, bureaucracy and overhead. However, for smaller companies such as small and medium sized insurance agencies, outsourcing can be a valuable, even critical tool to facilitate …