Monthly Archives: <span>January 2006</span>

News Currents

Parties far apart on Mass. homeowners’ residual market rates Hearings to decide rates for the homeowners’ insurance residual market in Massachusetts have been going on since November and will continue for several more months, according to officials. The three major …

News Currents

From New England to Virginia, courts and juries made insurance headlines Up and down the East coast, much of the most interesting local insurance news in 2005 took place in the courts of law and not in the court of …

New Markets

New Markets Identity Recovery Coverage – Personal Lines Nuts & Bolts: Merchants Insurance Group introduced a newly expanded Identity Recovery Coverage program for homeowners’ policyholders. The new coverage is designed to help victims of identity theft, clear their credit history …

R.I.’s Beacon Mutual pursues rate cuts, restructuring plan

Beacon Mutual, Rhode Island’s biggest workers’ compensation writer with about 90 percent of the business, has some big plans. First is its plan to lower the loss cost portion of premiums for most employers by an average of 27.7 percent …

Business Moves

Bollinger, MLW Services Bollinger Inc. has acquired MLW Services Inc. of New York. The principals of MLW, Andrew Marks, president and CEO, Bert Linder, executive vice president and Chuck Weisblum, chairman, will continue in executive capacities with Bollinger. According to …

Errors & Omissions

Property casualty insurance agents and brokers are being exposed to more lawsuits as they move into unfamiliar products, states and technologies and as their own clients do the same. In the eyes of customers and juries, the agents and brokers …

People Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., has selected R. Steven Orr to serve as Maryland Insurance Commissioner. He succeeds Alfred W. Redmer, who resigned in October 2005 to join the private sector. Orr, 53, most recently served as senior …

Aging baby boomers will mean more

rehabilitation centers. E&S market ready for some uncertainty Some price hardening possible due to hurricanes; new opportunities seen in housing and health care markets Experts agree. The surplus lines market remains alive, healthy and stable. Few argue with the success …


AGENTS’ EXPANDING LIABILITY ‘One-stop’ shop warnings HOW TO FIX N.Y. WORKERS COMP Agents outline their solution

Productivity Poll

Insurance buyers see increasing value from reducing their total cost of risk across multiple lines of commercial insurance, according to a new survey commissioned by Wausau Insurance. Eighty-one percent (up from 70 percent last year) of commercial insurance buyer said …