Monthly Archives: <span>January 2006</span>

EMC Group Notes Addition of Newcomer to Mutual Reinsurance Bureau Pool

Iowa-based EMC Insurance Group Inc. confirmed that Country Mutual Insurance Company had become a participant in the Mutual Reinsurance Bureau (MRB) pool effective Jan. 1, 2006. The company previously announced on Nov. 14, 2005 that Kentucky Farm Bureau Mutual would …

IRC: Insurance Fraud, Buildup Add Some $400M to Calif. Auto Injury Claims

A recent Insurance Research Council (IRC) study of auto injury insurance claims puts a hefty price tag on the cost of claim abuse in California. In 2002, between $319 million and $432 million in bodily injury liability (BI) payments in …

Pets Best Insurance Expands Offerings

Pets Best, insurance for pets and a division of General Fire & Casualty Co., will begin providing comprehensive insurance plans for pet owners and their pet family members. Initially, the company intends to offer its programs in 24 states, including …

Restoration Company to Cancel Fla. Liens, Repay Overcharged Customers

An agreement has been reached between Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist and Quality Plus Restoration, a Houston, Texas-based water extraction company, settling allegations of fraudulent business practices, including price gouging, following Hurricane Ivan in 2004. The settlement will remove liens …

Analysts Predict Faster P/C Premium Growth, Underwriting Profit in 2006

Record catastrophe losses will weigh heavily on 2005’s underwriting results, pushing what would have been the industry’s largest underwriting profit ever into a loss situation, according to the Insurance Information Institute’s recent Earlybird Forecast Survey. The survey of Wall Street …

AWCC Posts Rule Revisions

Effective Jan.1, 2006, the Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission has revised the following four rules: –Rule 3, “Carrier Reporting Requirement” –Rule 4, “Termination of Coverage by Insurance Carrier: Employer to Obtain New Coverage” –Rule 5, “Self-Insurance Program” and –Rule 38, “Third …

AG Warns Texans About Post-Wildfire Con Artists

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott warned Texans who lost homes or other property to recent major wildfires across the state to be alert for unscrupulous operators offering to rebuild or repair fire-damaged property. Scores of wildfires that began last month …

Venture Programs Launches Industry-First E-Marketing Campaign

30-second video spot to broadcast on insurance news web sites is first by a program administrator targeting agent and broker market West Chester, Pa.- Venture Insurance Programs (, a national program administrator and leader in the design and underwriting of …

Kansas Lawmakers Push for Tougher Penalities for Uninsured Drivers

Two tough bills to keep uninsured motorists off Kansas roadways will be on the agenda for consideration when the Kansas legislature convenes on Monday.The first proposed bill will help the state keep better track uninsured motorists and the other imposes …

Suspected Arson Fire Contained in Small Northeastern Okla. Town

Firefighters contained a grass fire that destroyed an abandoned schoolhouse and a home in Shamrock, a small northeastern Oklahoma town, while officials in Texas and New Mexico also worked to keep fires under control amid dry, windy conditions. An air …