Monthly Archives: <span>February 2006</span>

Denver court denies class action certification in Morris v. Travelers

U.S. District Court Judge Edward Nottingham has denied a class certification in Morris v. Travelers Indemnity Co. of America, according to Morrison & Foerster LLP. The law firm represented Travelers in court in Denver, Colo. The case is one of …

When the nonprofit insurer is itself a nonprofit

Over the years, many a vexed property casualty insurance company executive has joked about his firm being a nonprofit, blaming pricing regulation, market cycles, high loss ratios, low investment income or some combination of these forces for erasing net gain. …

Seven tips for successful process outsourcing and boosting productivity

Outsourcing often receives a bad rap, with large corporations using it to reduce staff count, bureaucracy and overhead. However, for small- and medium-sized insurance agencies, outsourcing can be a valuable, even critical, tool to facilitate cost-effective growth and stimulate productivity. …

California Surplus Line Association elects new officers

The Surplus Line Association of California’s (SLA) elected new officers at its Annual Meeting held in Northern California on Jan. 24 and in Southern California on Jan. 26, 2006. New officers include: chairman – Jim Pettipas of ECM Insurance Services …

How to keep your non-standard auto clients

When selling non-standard auto insurance, do you know how to retain your clients or are you driving away the business? There are a number of factors that affect retention, including: Finance method and payment; Underwriting and documentation; Service — communication …

Living the dream

Points and clicks have the insurance industry moving faster than it ever has before. But just imagine being able to go online to receive competing rates for an account from multiple carriers just once. There’s no need to log onto …

Nonprofits invite new exposures when they act like for-profits

As they face pressure to do more with less, nonprofit organizations are increasingly modeling some of their fundraising, employment practices and marketing of services after for-profit businesses. According to a recent study, this has risks for charitable, social service and …

Agents allege red-lining by ANPAC in Texas court case

A group of agents recently won a round in a Texas court in their fight to have documents released. Deemed “trade secrets” by American National Property & Casualty Co., they were made available to the public through the Travis County …

When the nonprofit insurer is itself a nonprofit

Over the years, many a vexed property/casualty insurance company chief executive has joked about his firm being a nonprofit, blaming pricing regulation, market cycles, high loss ratios, low investment income or some combination of these forces for erasing any net …

Law repealing surplus lines bond in effect

A law eliminating the surplus lines bond that Texas surplus agents formerly had to carry became effective Jan. 1, 2006, the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas (SLSOT) has reported. The Texas Legislature in 2005 passed Senate Bill 1564, which …