Monthly Archives: <span>February 2006</span>

Editor’s Note: Real-time has come

Prompt adoption by agencies of the technology is important because the companies and vendors are closely monitoring agency usage in deciding whether to invest in it further. Imagine going online to receive competing rates for an account from multiple carriers …

Closer Look: Producer Liability

Keeping up with increasing liability as clients expand Property/casualty insurance agents and brokers are being exposed to more lawsuits as they move into unfamiliar products, states and technologies, and as their own clients do the same. In the eyes of …

Fla. considers home fortification grants

Capping coastal home insurance coverage at $1 million and providing grants for home fortification against hurricanes are among suggestions proposed for Citizens Insurance, the state’s property insurer of last resort. A task force has recommended requiring a rapid cash buildup …

Business Moves

SUA, American Patriot Chicago-based Specialty Underwriters’ Alliance Inc. has signed a new contract with Westchester, Ill.-based American Patriot Insurance Agency Inc., a wholesale agency that specializes in roofing contractors. American Patriot provides commercial general liability and commercial auto liability both …

News Currents

Highway safety nominee to address vehicle crashes The Bush administration’s choice to lead the government’s traffic safety agency pledged this month to make the nation’s highways and roads safer for families while tackling issues like vehicle rollovers and teenage crashes. …

By Jerry Johns

The facts about credit information and insurance The use of credit history, one of many underwriting tools, is not a new concept and one that has received strict scrutiny from insurance regulators and consumer advocates around the country. Some insurers …

New Markets

New Markets Nuts & Bolts: The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. introduced Universal Excess, a new excess insurance policy that fits firmly over directors and officers, fiduciary, employment practice, miscellaneous professional and tech errors and omissions products issued by any …

News Currents

Illinois state pool benefits from hard fought compromise health funding bill Illinois’ state health insurance pool should get $5.4 million under a compromise measure Sen. Dick Durbin helped push through after negotiating a more than $1 million increase over what …

When used correctly, finite re can fill environmental liability gap Aon’s Bennink sees needs for ‘tarnished’ product gro

When people forget about abusing finite reinsurance to manipulate earnings, they see the advantages and the products sells on its own, especially when pollution liability is an issue. Finite reinsurance has gotten a lot of negative publicity within the past …


INJURED WORKERS V. SAFETY Workers safer at job than home NONPROFITS NEW EXPOSURES Surprise in underwriting tactics SPECIAL REPORT: COMMERCIAL AUTO Universal Life, dropped sale unusual E & S SNAPSHOT SURVEY Wholesalers see steady growth in 2006