Monthly Archives: <span>March 2006</span>

Mississippians Favor State Building Code; Legislative Support Doubtful

More than three-quarters of Mississippians say they favor adoption of a state building code, but a bill now before the Legislature to create such a building code remains in doubt. The Coalition to Build a Safer and Stronger Mississippi, of …

Legal Fairness: W.Va. Ranks Last, Miss. Moving in Right Direction

West Virginia, Louisiana, Illinois, California, and Texas were among the worst states for legal fairness, while Mississippi is improving after enacting legal reforms, according to a new ranking of the best and worst state legal systems released by the U.S. …

Brown & Brown Says Professional Liability Brokers Generated $3M

Brown & Brown, Inc. has announced that its Brown & Brown Professional Liability Brokers brokerage operation has generated more than $3 million in gross premium since commencing operations in June 2005. Located in Tampa, Florida, this wholesale brokerage has quickly …

Florida Lists How to Obtain Wind Insurance Incentives

Tips about how to obtain wind insurance incentives have been issued by the Florida Department of Financial Services on the department’s website. According to DFS, Floridians may be entitled to discounts on insurance premiums if they take measures to strengthen …

iPartner Data Management Scorecard Application Released

Atlanta-based iPartners has announced the release of iPartners Insurance Scorecard to help managers in mid-sized property casualty insurance companies to view and analyze all of the data they need to maximize profitability. The hosted Internet application is currently up and …

W.Va. Commissioner Joins ‘Insure U’ Education Program

An ambitious national public education program on insurance issues, under the banner of Insure U, has been joined in by West Virginia Insurance Commissioner Jane L. Cline and 19 other state insurance commissioners. Developed by the National Association of Insurance …

Willis Group Holdings Names Eric Joost to Lead Middle Markets in Chicago

Willis Group Holdings, the global insurance broker, has named Eric Joost as Middle Market segment leader. Joost will lead efforts to develop proprietary and unique skills that will benefit Willis clients in this key segment. He will be based in …

California State Fund Holds Ergonomics Workshop in Sacramento

California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund will be hosting a free ergonomics workshop at its Sacramento District Office on March 29-30. Ergonomics – “the science of fitting the job to the worker rather than forcing the worker to fit the job” …

Fitch: Deterioration in Profits For U.S. P/C Sector At YE2005

The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry will report deterioration in profitability in 2005 because insured catastrophe losses reached record levels in 2005, Fitch Ratings said. The decrease in profitability is largely due to the destruction from Hurricane Katrina, the most devastating …

Kulongoski, Leavitt Plan Oregon Bird Flu Summit

If bird flu breaks out among humans in Oregon, hospitals could be short of mechanical breathing machines, forcing doctors to make life-and-death decisions about who gets to use them. Ventilators essential to treating severe influenza and accompanying pneumonia will be …