Monthly Archives: <span>March 2006</span>

Abram Interstate Offers Dwelling Under Construction/Course of Construction Policy

Abram Interstate Insurance Services Inc. in Rocklin, Calif., is offering a Course of Construction Policy in California and Arizona. Coverage is written on a Homeowners HO-3 Form, which includes a C.O.C. endorsement. The Policy becomes a regular HO-3 upon completion. …

Insurer Group Offers Flood Protection Tips for Texas Homeowners

As part of its ongoing consumer education campaign, the Texas Coalition for Affordable Insurance Solutions is reminding homeowners to protect themselves during the spring flood season. Noting that floods often happen fast in Texas, as Dallas recently experienced, TCAIS offered …

Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters Host Contractual Risk Transfer Seminar in Pasadena

The Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters Society’s California El Camino, Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley Chapters are hosting a Contractual Risk Transfer seminar on Thursday, April 20 in Pasadena, Calif. The program is designed to help attendees: *Understand “contractual risk …

Allstate’s Chief Executive’s Compensation Cut by 10 Percent

A proxy statement issued by Allstate Corp. has shown that Chief Executive Edward Liddy’s compensation was cut by 10 percent in 2005, to $11.1 million, the second straight decrease. The Proxy statement is filed with SEC and includes an annual …

Agents and Brokers: Deadline to Submit for IJ’s Top 100, March 31

Insurance Journal’s search for the nation’s top independent insurance agencies and brokerages is winding down with just a few days left for qualified firms to send in their entry forms. The final deadline is Friday, March 31. Because everybody likes …

ACE Westchester Appoints Casey as SVP, Management Liability

ACE Westchester Specialty Group, the U.S.-based wholesale-focused property and casualty operation of the ACE Group of Companies, appointed Joseph Casey as senior vice president, Management Liability for its Professional Risk Division. Based in Atlanta, Ga., Casey will have responsibility for …

Dallas’ Kohl Named to Assurex Global International Executive Committee

Privately held insurance brokerage group Assurex Global appointed David J. Kohl, vice president of Dallas-based Roach Howard Smith & Hunter, to its International Executive Committee (IEC). “The IEC is responsible for the selection and ongoing evaluation of our partners outside …

Regulators Launch Consumer Insurance Education Program

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners today launched a comprehensive public education program to assist consumers with information about insurance issues. Under the banner of Insure U, the campaign has two objectives: to help consumers get smart about insurance as …

The Hanover Launches Connections Auto in La.

The Hanover Insurance Group, headquartered in Worcester, Mass., announced the Louisiana launch of Connections Auto, which expands the auto product into ten states: Louisiana, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Michigan, New York, Tennessee and Virginia. “The initial market response to …

HCC Names Molbeck President, COO

Houston-based HCC Insurance Holdings Inc. reported that John N. Molbeck, Jr. would become the company’s president and chief operating officer and his employment contract will extend through May 31, 2009. Molbeck, who is 59 years old, previously held this position …