Monthly Archives: <span>March 2006</span>

Agents push for a technological sea change

Tides continue to turn on the automation frontier and agents and brokers riding the waves may be pushing a sea change in the way they communicate with insurance carriers, according to the results of a recent survey of independent agents …

Planning for when … The benefits of contingent buy-sell agreements

As insurance professionals, agency owners understand that everyone faces risks and that one way of limiting losses when a loss occurs is to have insurance. Likewise, when an individual owns a business, there needs to be some contingency plan put …

Reinsurance treaty renewals show some premium increases

With the January renewal season now behind them, the world’s global reinsurers are collectively breathing a small sigh of relief. While premium increases in the U.S. met or exceeded expectations, especially along the stricken Gulf Coast, there were few, if …

Best remains negative on U.S., Bermuda reinsurance markets; expects no upgrades in 2006

Despite some premium gains during the renewal season, A.M. Best remains negative on the U.S. and Bermuda reinsurance markets. The rating agency doesn’t think there will be any rating upgrades or positive rating outlooks assigned in 2006, as the “underlying …


The Agribusiness Conference, hosted by the Insurance Skills Center, is filed for continuing education credits in more than 30 states. Conference locations for 2006 include: March 15-16 Sacramento, Calif.; May 22-23 Hartford, Conn.; June 26-23 Denver, Colo.; July 17-18 San …

Sarbanes-Oxley oversight board facing constitutional challenge

A group of advocates for free enterprise and limited government that includes former federal independent counsel Kenneth Starr is challenging the constitutionality of the Sarbanes Oxley Act and its provisions that govern the accounting of public companies. The Free Enterprise …

U.S. postal customers gain right to sue for tripping over mail, rules U.S. Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has ruled that the U.S. Postal Service can be sued by a woman who tripped over mail left on her porch. The 7-1 decision revived a woman’s claim that she was entitled to damages after suffering wrist …

Farmers asked to ‘Step Up to the Plate for Farm Safety’

Farm Bureaus across the nation will make safety a priority this spring by participating in the Agricultural Safety Awareness Program during Agricultural Safety Awareness Week, March 5-11, 2006. The purpose of the program is to remind agricultural producers to take …

National Law Journal says top verdicts, punitive damages fall in 2005

The National Law Journal reported that the total amount awarded by juries last year in the nation’s largest cases declined for the third consecutive year. Based on analysis of the VerdictSearch Top 100, a ranking of the largest jury verdicts …

Hedging liability bets is not a good idea for hedge funds

On any given day, hedge funds account for more than half of the daily volume on the New York Stock Exchange and have an equally large presence in every other financial market. This growing industry is currently comprised of an …