Monthly Archives: <span>March 2006</span>

Alabama Big ‘I’ supports five bills, rejects two

Alabama HB627 defining insurance fraud and making it easier for the Insurance Commission to join with neighboring states to crack down on fraud has gained the support of the Alabama Independent Insurance Agents. During AIIA’s Young Agent’s Legislative Conference in …

Rayborn outlines Florida insurance agency requirements to Latin Association

The requirements for Florida insurance agencies to be licensed by the state before Oct. 1, with fines of up to $10,000 for not licensing, were discussed in a presentation “Agency Licensing, Are You Prepared? That is the $10,000 Question,” presented …

Ala. Commissioner: ‘End Air Force One Policy’

An effective National Disaster Program has to be found so that if there is a catastrophe, we won’t have to rely on an “Air Force One Policy,” in which Air Force One flies in and brings us $20 billion, Alabama …


A Chipley, Fla. woman has been arrested and charged with organized fraud for allegedly steering patients from a hospital physical therapy center and improperly billing insurance companies. Lorrie Ann Laurel, 40, turned herself in at the Holmes County Jail on …

Windstorm panelists: Carriers hesitant to write policies in Florida

A panel of eight insurance experts agreed unanimously that carriers are closely scrutinizing Florida and are hesitant to renew homeowners policies. Bill Bailey, director of the Hurricane Insurance Information Center, moderated the panel during the Seventh Annual Windstorm Insurance Conference …

Insurers discuss top issues with Fla. legislators

In preparation for March sessions of the Florida Legislature, the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America hosted its first annual Legislative Conference, which brought insurance industry executives to Tallahassee, Fla., to discuss legislative priorities and to hear from Senate President …


AIA SUPPORTS A MODERNIZED INSURANCE REGULATORY SYSTEM THAT WOULD: Provide uniform and efficient regulation. Empower consumers by enabling insurers to respond quickly and creatively to their needs. Allow the competitive marketplace to be the primary influence on rates and product …

Insurance Customers Would Benefit From Updated Insurance

Inarguably, the current state-based insurance regulatory system is a dysfunctional relic that has stifled property/casualty product creativity for years. This patchwork regulatory system is filled with wasteful inefficiency that is costly to individual states, insurance companies and consumers. It is …

People and Places

Bill Anderson has been promoted to senior vice president of insurance operations and Sharon Petrell, assistant vice president of marketing and integrated solutions of the Main Street America Group in Jacksonville, Fla. Anderson, vice president of marketing and integrated solutions, …

Bell says tenth Ala. church fire ‘unrelated’ to previous nine

It’s likely that the 10th fire at a the Beaverton Freewill Baptist Church near the Mississippi line was started by an arsonist whose actions are totally unrelated to the arsonists responsible for any of the other nine fires, according to …