Monthly Archives: <span>December 2006</span>

Miss. AG’s Katrina Suit Moved to Gulf Coast Federal Court

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood’s civil lawsuit against insurance companies over Hurricane Katrina damages has been moved from federal court in Jackson to one in Gulfport. U.S. District Judge Henry T. Wingate signed the transfer order last week, according to …

Maine Panel Embraces Mandatory Health Coverage

Elected officials should consider increases in a variety of state taxes as they look for ways to make health insurance available to more Mainers, a panel that’s been studying the issue for several months voted last week. The Blue Ribbon …

New Markets Report

New insurance products seemed to be in great supply in 2006 as the market for most lines continued to turn toward softer times. No market was as robust as professional and management liability lines, according to a review of new …

2006: Soft market offers up many new insurance products

E&O, Professional/Management Liability New P/C Insurance Agents’ E&O Rockwood Programs partnered with certain underwriters at Lloyd’s of London to offer professional liability coverage specifically for property/casualty agents licensed less than three years. The newly licensed agents program provides a liability …

2006: Agents fight to keep their pay and insurers wise up to the future

The fight to save contingent commissions topped the minds of agents across the nation as a few select states drove public policy efforts to end their use by insurers. The industry grabbed hold of predictive modeling and analytical tools. In …

Reinsurers Enjoy the Sunshine

Except for claims adjusters, 2005 was a disastrous year for the industry. Swiss Re’s sigma report logged almost 400 catastrophes, which caused damage totaling more than $230 billion: about one third, or $83 billion, was covered by insurance. Miraculously most …

Lloyd’s Insurers Boost U.S. Presence

They’ve long had the expertise. Now they have the money and the technology to go with it. A number of U.K. insurers, who started at Lloyd’s, continued to expand their U.S. presence in 2006, mainly in the surplus lines market. …

October, November see 29 M&As; stock prices continue to vary

Stock Prices: Stock prices have varied year-to-date among brokers. Brown & Brown Inc.’s (NYSE:BRO) stock was down 4.4 percent through Nov. 30, 2006, while Hub International Ltd.’s (NYSE:HBG) stock was up 19.2 percent for the same time period. Holding the …

Climate change, reinsurance and Lloyd’s made worldwide headlines in 2006

Climate change or global warming is the 800-pound gorilla in the insurance industry. More reports this year added to the growing body of evidence that the planet is heating up, and potential disasters on a global scale are becoming more …

Changing Reinsurance Rules

In March, Lloyd’s Chairman Lord Peter Levene finally got the attention of U.S. regulators. At a meeting in Florida, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners agreed to set up a task force, chaired by Massachusetts Commissioner Julianne Bowler, to examine …