Monthly Archives: <span>December 2006</span>

Hellhole or business haven?

Texas is improving. The Rio Grande Valley and Texas Gulf Coast slipped to third place on the American Tort Reform Foundation’s (ATRF) 2006 “Judicial Hellholes” report. Last year it landed in the top spot. For the fifth year in a …

Global warming represents watershed event for insurance industry

At various points in history — the Great Dust Bowl of the 1930s, urban riots of the 1960s, and terrorism today — watershed events or trends ushered in structural changes within the U.S. insurance industry. While entirely different in their …

New Markets

Accident Site and Public Response Nuts & Bolts: AIG Specialty Excess, an umbrella and excess casualty underwriting unit of the AIG Companies, announced the addition of Accident Site Advisor and PublicResponse to its excess liability insurance. The built-in enhancements, catering …

Contingent commissions, court rulings highlight 2006

In 2006, the Midwest experienced the impact of contingent commission settlements based on the actions of several attorneys general and a myriad of court rulings on insurers’ use of credit, liquor liability and asbestos. Throw into the mix severe storms …

Arson convictions now being questioned

A handful of arson convictions that relied largely on expert testimony are being re-examined because of changes in the scientific understanding of fire. Some are already in court, while in others, defense teams are putting together a case. Among the …

New fire science could overturn arson convictions across the nation

Studies have chipped away at old fire science for years but many prosecutions are still based on discredited methods The clues were everywhere. A young woman lay dead in a burned cabin at a church camp in East Stroudsburg, Pa., …

People and Places

Members of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners elected 2007 officers during the group’s winter meeting in San Antonio. Alabama Insurance Commissioner Walter Bell was named president, Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger was chosen as president-elect, New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner …

AAA holiday concerns: speeding triples odds of crashing

Lower fuel prices, mild weather spur more trips to holiday favorite spots. Anxious to arrive quickly at your destination this holiday season? Well, what about safely? Driving faster than surrounding traffic, driving while drowsy, not paying attention and aggressive driving …

Illinois counties listed as ‘Judicial Hellholes’ – deja vu

Just last year at this same time the 2005 ranking of the worst court systems in the country was released by the American Tort Reform Foundation. Illinois had three of the six listed then and unfortunately, we have the same …

Global warming represents watershed event for insurance industry

At various points in history — the Great Dust Bowl of the 1930s, urban riots of the 1960s, and terrorism today — watershed events or trends ushered in structural changes within the U.S. insurance industry. While entirely different in their …