Monthly Archives: <span>December 2006</span>

Report recommends phase-out of Pennsylvania med-mal subsidies

Pennsylvania should get out of the medical malpractice insurance business and return the medical malpractice market to the private sector as soon as possible, according to a recent report. Insurance Commissioner Diane Koken unveiled the Medical Care Availability and Reduction …

Arson convictions now being questioned

A handful of arson convictions that relied largely on expert testimony are being re-examined because of changes in the scientific understanding of fire. Some are already in court, while in others, defense teams are putting together a case. Among the …

New fire science could overturn arson convictions across the nation

Studies have chipped away at old fire science for years but many prosecutions are still based on discredited methods The clues were everywhere. A young woman lay dead in a burned cabin at a church camp in East Stroudsburg, Pa., …

People and places

Members of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners elected 2007 officers during the group’s winter meeting in San Antonio. Alabama Insurance Commissioner Walter Bell was named president, Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger was chosen as president-elect, New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner …

2006: Mother Nature and political deals made 2006 an unsettling year

From Maine to Virginia, agents and adjusters helped property owners dig out from damaging floods. High waters seemed to hit a new state every week. Meanwhile, these same agents had to worry about whether their income was at stake due …

Spitzer taps investigator Dinallo to be N.Y. insurance chief

Incoming New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer will nominate Eric Dinallo, a former lead investigator in his office of attorney general and currently general counsel of Willis Group Holdings, to be superintendent of insurance. Dinallo worked with Spitzer from 1999 to …

Mass. closes in on long-awaited transition to auto assigned risk plan

Final rules have been issued but will the new administration of Democrat Deval Patrick follow suit? Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner Julianne M. Bowler has ordered the implementation of an assigned risk plan for the state’s private passenger auto insurance market. The …


As expected, auto insurance rates in Massachusetts will be going down again in 2007, this time by as much as 11.7 percent on average statewide. The new rate takes effect April 1, 2007, and translates to an average decrease of …

Insurers, agents worry Conn. coastal rules could make matters worse

Insurers aren’t happy and agents are worried about new restrictions on coastal property underwriting being imposed by Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Susan Cogswell in a reversal of her previous policy. They warn that the rules could worsen the problem of insurance …


Allstate Insurance Co., continuing its reappraisal of its hurricane loss exposure along the East Coast, has decided to stop writing new property insurance policies in all areas of Connecticut, New Jersey and Delaware. The stoppage applies to the writing of …