Monthly Archives: <span>January 2007</span>

Largest Ill. medical malpractice insurer lifts moratorium on new business

The largest medical malpractice insurer in Illinois plans to lift a four-year-old moratorium on new business, citing an improved economic and legal climate. ISMIE Mutual Insurance Co., which provides malpractice coverage for 13,000 doctors, announced that it plans to add …

Ind. leads country with highest catastrophe losses in 2006

In a year where coastal states endured no major tropical storms, Indiana saw more property damage due to large weather events than any other state (in 2006), according to statistical firm the Insurance Services Office (ISO). Indiana residents filed nearly …

Midwestern states top 2006 list for largest catastrophe losses

While most of the country tends to consider the coastal areas to be the jackpot winners for pending catastrophes, in 2006 the Midwest won in the disaster lottery. Living in the Midwest, all of us know the devastating impact of …

Producer appointments available online in Ark.

LEO, an online producer/agency appointment feature offered by service provider Aithenti, has been launched in Arkansas, the state insurance department announced. This new online service will allow for direct appointments and/or agency (shared) appointments or terminations. The Arkansas Insurance Department …


More than one first “I’m elated to begin my first full four-year term during Oklahoma’s centennial year. It is indeed an honor. Having restored integrity and public confidence to the office, I am committed to creating an environment where nearly …

It Figures

$445 Billion Nearly half a billion dollars will be given to U.S. cities and regions to help reduce the risk of terror attacks on ports, transit systems and chemical plants, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced. The Associated Press reported …

In 2006, largest P/C losses occurred inland

Coastal states got a relative reprieve in 2006, while inland states racked up most of the nation’s property/casualty losses for the year. According to the Insurance Services Office’s Property Claim Services (PCS), the states where insurers reported the largest catastrophe …

Emergency declaration allows more claims adjusters in Okla.

Oklahoma Insurance Com-missioner Kim Holland declared a state of emergency Jan. 16, 2007, following severe winter weather that hit all 77 counties in the state. According to the commissioner’s office the declaration will allow emergency claims adjusters from other states …

Report: Drivers’ age, gender factors in severity of accident injuries

Understanding the differences among drivers in different gender and age categories is crucial to preventing serious injuries, according to researchers in a new study showing statistical differences in traffic-accident injuries depending on the gender and age of drivers. The new …

People and Places

Argonaut Group Inc., based in San Antonio, reported that Gregory M. Vezzosi has joined the organization as executive vice president and chief operating officer. Vezzosi will report to Mark E. Watson III, president and chief executive officer, who explained that …